Trading Hybrids, DIY recipes, miscellaneous items

so sorry but the flooring you wanted was requested before you posted! I can offer you six extra hyacinths if you’d be okay with that instead?
Whoops didn't see that! If you have the sea view wall still, we could do that instead of the flooring, if not, the extra hyacinths are fine.
sounds good! Are you available to trade at the moment?
Sorry, I had to log off so I would wake up for work today lol. Maybe we could trade later today? I should be home by 2pm EST, so any time after that would be fine.
Hi, I'd be interested in the white fox mask as well as the DIYs for the log wall mounted clock and the wooden full-length mirror.
I can offer you : Sakura wood wall+flooring, cherry blossom bonsai & branches, I might have the rosewood flooring (my game is not in English so I guess what I have is the rosewood flooring but I can't seem to find a picture to confirm it), knitted grass backpack, lily record player, stone lion dog, and I could let you catalogue my sand castle. :)
Eventually if you still have some blue hyacinths, I would be interested.
I'll be afk for the next hour or so but my offer will still stand by then. :)
Sorry, I had to log off so I would wake up for work today lol. Maybe we could trade later today? I should be home by 2pm EST, so any time after that would be fine.

okie! I should be available then :)
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Hi, I'd be interested in the white fox mask as well as the DIYs for the log wall mounted clock and the wooden full-length mirror.
I can offer you : Sakura wood wall+flooring, cherry blossom bonsai & branches, I might have the rosewood flooring (my game is not in English so I guess what I have is the rosewood flooring but I can't seem to find a picture to confirm it), knitted grass backpack, lily record player, stone lion dog, and I could let you catalogue my sand castle. :)
Eventually if you still have some blue hyacinths, I would be interested.
I'll be afk for the next hour or so but my offer will still stand by then. :)

hello! I just woke up for the day :) I’m interested in trading. Would you like me to visit or host?
I have the pink paint flooring, any way I can get one pink tulip for it?
Of course! :) I’ll give you 2 bc I really want this item
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Nope, that's fine with me.
Send me a DIY and I'll go craft the bonsai. ^^

did you mean to type ddc? I do not have the DIY recipe for this item. If it is alright with you, I’d like to drop off flowers in your town rather than have you dig in mine ^_^’
Of course! :) I’ll give you 2 bc I really want this item
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did you mean to type ddc? I do not have the DIY recipe for this item. If it is alright with you, I’d like to drop off flowers in your town rather than have you dig in mine ^_^’
Yes I did LOL I guess the word DIY got stuck in my head for a second there.
and yes of course, my bad. I'll PM you a Dodo code in a bit. I'm a bit tired, please excuse me!
Yes I did LOL I guess the word DIY got stuck in my head for a second there.
and yes of course, my bad. I'll PM you a Dodo code in a bit. I'm a bit tired, please excuse me!

It's okay. I knew what you meant :)
I'm so sleepy, too. Woke up with construction work going on outside my window ... lol
take your time
Hi! Is the ukulele DIY still available? Would 150k igb suffice for it? I also have some black cosmos!
Sorry I was asleep when you posted your reply! If it's still available, could I trade with you some time today?

the kimono I have is pink. I’m unsure if that’s the only available color variant. Just wanted to make sure that this item is how you expect it to be
hello! I just woke up for the day :) I’m interested in trading. Would you like me to visit or host?
Hi, sorry I was afk for a while. As you wish :) just tell me which items you want from the list and I'll get them ready for the trade ~