Giveaway Hybrid Giveaway 💐 WINNERS ANNOUNCED

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Senior Member
Jan 17, 2016
September Birthstone (Sapphire)
Red Tulip
White Tulip
White Cosmos
Yellow Cosmos
April Birthstone (Diamond)
December Birthstone (Turquoise)
July Birthstone (Ruby)
May Birthstone (Emerald)
March Birthstone (Aquamarine)
99.2% (358) +
I have some flowers I don't have use for so I'm just gonna give them away c:

FIRST PLACE: chaicow
15 pink roses
25 purple roses
5 blue pansies
10 blue roses

SECOND PLACE: kitsunesoul
5 pink tulips
10 pink roses

Put your favourite flower (can be in-game or real life!)
One entry per person! If you double post it doesn't eliminate you (pls don't spam) but it will not be counted.
Ends today at 7PM EST!
If the winner doesn't respond in 24 hours I will pick someone else.
The winner will be picked with a random number generator! (The numbers being your post #'s)

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Hello! Thanks for this giveaway. :) My favorite flower is blue pansies. :p
I love baby breaths!! They're so cute, in the game would have to be lilies :)
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In-game I have a passion for blue roses, but in the real world, I LOVE geraniums. Thank you for this great giveaway!
Thanks for hosting this giveaway. My favorite flowers are night blooming cereuses.
Entering, blue roses are my fav in game. Thanks for hosting.
thanks for this!

my favorite flowers are sunflowers ~
Awesome giveaway as I can always use some hybrids!

My favorite flower would have to be the sunflower.
Thanks for giving away flowers! My favorite flower are carnations ^^ They are so pretty~~
Entry! My favourite flowers irl are roses, my mum had a massive rose garden growing up and the smell always reminds me of happy times :)
I would like to enter! My favourite flowers in an orchid, and in-game it's the jacob's ladder cx
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