How to get more PWP suggestions?


Senior Member
Dec 11, 2015
Does anyone know if there's something I can be doing to encourage my villagers to make more PWP suggestions? The town only needs so many street lamps before it starts looking a bit wacky.
Theres a method where you swim out into the furthest corner of your ocean and stay there for 5 minutes. When you come back onto land, someone will ping you.

I've also seen people completely fill their inventory with seashells so that the villagers wont request to buy anything - increasing your chances of getting a PWP ping.
That's the main way to get it: Junk-filled pockets and hide from villages for 5+ minutes.

However, you have to be outside and in town NOT MAIN STREET for it to work
Theres a method where you swim out into the furthest corner of your ocean and stay there for 5 minutes. When you come back onto land, someone will ping you.

I've also seen people completely fill their inventory with seashells so that the villagers wont request to buy anything - increasing your chances of getting a PWP ping.

combine both for best results
i've been using the methods lucitine posted except i never go in the ocean, waste of time. i just go to a quiet area of town where no one is around. works perfectly.