How many male/female users are a part of this community?

Are you male or female?

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I’m a male in my late twenties and have played AC since the first game. I don’t have massed I’d friends who are gamers or love AC sadly but I try to get people in to it everywhere I go. ;) love coming across new players and friends of any gender though!
Not sure if this was said -dont wanna go throu all the pages- but

AC was made by a woman, for women. Not young girls. Middle aged women. That is actually AC's target audience.

In an episode of Adam Ruins Everything, he explains how Nintendo used to put their videogames in the boys aisle -keep in mind this was years and years ago, Nintendo doing this. After a while Nintendo saw that girls liked to play videogames too, so they hired a woman to make a game for women. Thus, the first AC was born. I too have noticed many female players, more so than male players. I don't really mind, OP makes a good point when woman say more and guys are like 'cool thx bro'.
Biologically I’m a girl ^^ And I’ve also noticed that girls seem to be more sweet and appreciative and guys seem more ‘chill’ and respectful. But I guess that’s just stereotypes, we’re all different! :D Everyone I’ve seen here have been very friendly and welcoming, no matter whatever gender they are. ;7;
First time i see a "internet place" with more girls then boys. xD

I'm a girl!
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Hm I'm also a dude, but I think it takes certain type of people to even be on forums. So maybe females thrive more on that aspect?

- - - Post Merge - - -

Hm I'm also a dude, but I think it takes certain type of people to even be on forums. So maybe females thrive more on that aspect?

Also in psychology females tend to be more nurture/caring type.
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AC was made by a woman, for women. Not young girls. Middle aged women. That is actually AC's target audience.

As someone who has been playing since the Gamecube days, I beg to differ. Every AC game to me has been very neutral/inclusive if you ask me. The AC series was actually masterminded/created by a man, Katsuya Eguchi ( The reason why he created the AC series was actually explained through the following quote by him:

"Animal Crossing features three themes: family, friendship and community. But the reason I wanted to investigate them was a result of being so lonely when I arrived in Kyoto! Chiba is east of Tokyo and quite a distance from Kyoto, and when I moved there I left my family and friends behind. In doing so, I realised that being close to them – being able to spend time with them, talk to them, play with them – was such a great, important thing. I wondered for a long time if there would be a way to recreate that feeling, and that was the impetus behind the original Animal Crossing."

Quite honestly, my favorite thing about the Animal Crossing community as a whole is just how welcoming it is and all the amazing people found in it (which is why I have been enjoying the AC series for so long and have sunk so many hours into each game)! :)
As someone who has been playing since the Gamecube days, I beg to differ. Every AC game to me has been very neutral/inclusive if you ask me. The AC series was actually masterminded/created by a man, Katsuya Eguchi ( The reason why he created the AC series was actually explained through the following quote by him:

"Animal Crossing features three themes: family, friendship and community. But the reason I wanted to investigate them was a result of being so lonely when I arrived in Kyoto! Chiba is east of Tokyo and quite a distance from Kyoto, and when I moved there I left my family and friends behind. In doing so, I realised that being close to them ? being able to spend time with them, talk to them, play with them ? was such a great, important thing. I wondered for a long time if there would be a way to recreate that feeling, and that was the impetus behind the original Animal Crossing."

Quite honestly, my favorite thing about the Animal Crossing community as a whole is just how welcoming it is and all the amazing people found in it (which is why I have been enjoying the AC series for so long and have sunk so many hours into each game)! :)

Thanks for the correction! I was thinking I had read about the creator and his reason for the game before. Glad to see this as I scroll further. :)

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I'm female! During the Gamecube era, I feel like the ratio of male to female players who I knew personally was pretty closely matched. I can definitely see the feminine appeal in the game, though it is obviously not exclusively so. Since then, most of those male friends and family members have stopped playing, though they for some reason have claimed to be interested in getting it once it's on the Switch. Pretty exciting for me to have the people close to me back on board (to their new towns) soon!
Adam Ruins Everything was wrong :O That or my mom told me wrong, cause she told me all that.

Wait Katsuya is also a boys name? Oops.
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Adam Ruins Everything was wrong :O That or my mom told me wrong, cause she told me all that.

Wait Katsuya is also a boys name? Oops.

It's all good, I learned something as well because I was unsure (I just remember the creator of the AC series being a guy because of some AC City Folk promotional/informational videos, but I had to double check)! ;) I honestly didn't know what that show was until you mentioned it in this thread (just Googled it lol), sometimes TV shows (like TV game shows) have researchers that botch their job so that doesn't surprise me too much.
Female here. I can't really say anything about interactions with other players since I am newer to AC. Whether the player is male or female,I do not mind as long as they are kind and respectful.But I'm kind of glad so many girls play this game because I don't usually see that compared with other games out there. I know I shouldn't be surprised about the huge gap between male and female but didn't expect the gap to be so big. The only other series where I've seen more girls than boys is the Story of Seasons series. I guess a lot of girls just really like relaxed and laid back life sims.
I am a female too. :) I think the game really allows for either gender but with the online interaction, that may be more female driven. I think that the game is great and has clothing and options for boys all over the place. I haven't made a male mayor for my towns yet/resident because I really like the girly clothing options on my female character. :) But I do love come of the male hairstyles!
I guess I should count myself in the female camp, tho I'm a nonbinary woman. Speaking strictly of people I know who play ac games I'd say it's definitely skewed toward women for me, but I think it's a game anyone can enjoy a lot c:
I'm a female, but my brother got me into Animal Crossing back when it was on GameCube. I've also recently convinced my husband to start playing New Leaf with me. But neither of them will ever care about the game as much as I do. They get some enjoyment out of it but aren't hardcore fans.
I'm a female, but my brother got me into Animal Crossing back when it was on GameCube. I've also recently convinced my husband to start playing New Leaf with me. But neither of them will ever care about the game as much as I do. They get some enjoyment out of it but aren't hardcore fans.

That is awesome Destani that your husband is enjoying the game alongside you now and that you started back in the Gamecube days as well! :D I hope with AC Switch that my girlfriend (who I hope will be my fiancee when the game comes out) will share a town with me! :)
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Hey kidos I am a Fimal! I first played Animal Crossing when I was five or six years old, I played Animal Crossing: Wild World on my then new Nintendo DS Lite. In September 2014, I tried to recapture my childhood by playing this game on DeSmuMe as Jess of Star. The next month, I finally got Animal Crossing: New Leaf for my Nintendo 3DS. My first town was Kitty with Mayor Barbara and Residents Lily, Susan and Nicole. Second town, Meowton was a failure and I cannot get it through a week. The same things happened with CuteCat and Lilyfan. My fifth town, Cutie, with Mayor Molly, was a success. It lasted for three years. I think it was because of my Beautiful Town ordinance.
I'm a guy. & I like that the forum has a lot of females. They're generally nicer and we share a lot of likes in common. AC, Video Games, Boys...