How many male/female users are a part of this community?

Are you male or female?

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I'm a male, its comfortable knowing theres other me/males here that like animal crossing too and arent afraid to let their friends know they like it. I like games of all genre except horrors and gta btw so it was easy to fall in love with the animal crossing series, i met my first crust on city folk XD

Edit: wow, This thread is ancient and yet, im voting on the pole for the first.
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I say girls will be on belltree more then boys because Animal Crossing new leaf isn't very a type of boy game. ACNL has weird suppose to be cute animals which I say they're ugly, little weird voices and bunch of girly flowers in that game and there are a lot more. So yeah its not very type of game that boys will like, and because ACNL is such a baby game anyways that's why I don't play it a lot.

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um can i change my gender please

No you can't not.
I say girls will be on belltree more then boys because Animal Crossing new leaf isn't very a type of boy game. ACNL has weird suppose to be cute animals which I say they're ugly, little weird voices and bunch of girly flowers in that game and there are a lot more. So yeah its not very type of game that boys will like, and because ACNL is such a baby game anyways that's why I don't play it a lot.

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No you can't not.

hey um sry but can u pls try speaking english ty

give me ur address and i will pay an english teacher to come to ur house to try to teach u how to spoken
I agree with this post I have found that there is a huge majority of girls on this site that I have come into contact with and I know some other people come into contact or know more guys oh here. All of the friends I have are girls and most of the transactions or trades I make are mostly girls apart from a few! I dont see a problem with it at all but it would be nice to come into contact with more. To be honest animal crossing isnt the typical game for guys so I can see why more girls are on here :p
Well here is one thing people could just lie about their gender, so really its unknown how many boys and girls go on belltree.
I'm a male, and I'll gladly accept it that the majority of the members of this forum are females!
So far the AC community is the only community I've found so far that is majority female. It's a surprising and welcome change!
I'm a girl (but I don't wear glasses) ?\_(ツ)_/?
hello everyone from the other side of this message i have been looking around this mew place i have discovered and i now know how many females and males there are thank to this poll i fount which is very helpful thanks alot
I'm a girl and do feel like other girl villagers that I trade with etc seem to be more appreciative on average compared to guys! Like if I give them a present or invite them to my village for something they need (i.e. free fruit, Katie, shampoodle, boxed up villager, etc), female visitors usually are more appreciate and give a gift even though I don't expect one, etc!!
I'm not sure if I have posted on this thread, but as someone who has been playing AC since the Gamecube days, I just love how many interesting people I met over the years and quite honestly it helped me through darker, not-so-good times in my past. :) Since many have mentioned the fact that the AC community is mostly female players, as a guy, I have always been amazed how many amazing, genuine young/older women I met and quite honestly they are part of the many reasons why I am alive today making this post, around today to be the best man I can be for the young lady I love that will soon be my fiance <3 , and why Animal Crossing holds a special place in my heart! :) Thank you to all the amazing women AC players who made mine and other guy's experience in this community amazing and special! :D
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It's cool to run into male players. I think AC is meant for everyone and it's so great that many prominent internet figures are not shy about their love of AC xD However I am a female and obviously like to play with females as well :)