How many male/female users are a part of this community?

Are you male or female?

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I myself am a female, but a majority of my ac bffs are guys. But other than that, the whole ac fanbase seems to be more female dominated.
I'm a girl personally. My family has been playing animal crossing since the gamecube one. But I've only got this one because my brother gave it to me for my birthday.
Why is there no in-between answer on the poll again? Is it because not answering it means I'm being neutral here?

I honestly am not sure what gender I am, zel...X_x
woww lot of girls in this community o.o
Why is there no in-between answer on the poll again? Is it because not answering it means I'm being neutral here?

I honestly am not sure what gender I am, zel...X_x
I just assume that OP meana biological sex, not what you identify as.
The poll is as I thought; I go to an all boys school and in sixth form, I don't think anyone else plays this game aside from me:/