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How Did You Find Out About Animal Crossing

When I was younger I played it on my friends DS but I didn't get it until I was older : )

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Oh yeah and I watched mischa crossing ☺️
My mom bought an R4 nds cartridge off a friend in work for about 40 quid at the timeand gave it to me as a gift. I loved it and i played every game on it. Animal Crossing Wild World was on it and it fast became my favourite game to play. I can still remember walking around my town on a blue summer's day :')
My friend started talking about how he was playing new leaf and how good it was. He then got me it as a birthday present and when I started playing it I became an instant fan
I saw an ad for Wild World when I got my first DS and got it shortly after. It became one of my favourites, tied with Nintendogs. (I have all the versions of Nintendogs now, haha)
i saw the advertisements for city folk with the shopping in the city! i was so upset though that you couldnt go to the city with friends
Got the Gamecube one as a gift for Christmas when I was a kid and loved it.
I always loved watching chuggaaconroy's lets plays and in a lot of them, he referenced animal crossing. Me being about 7 or 8 years old thought it was a game where you had to make animals cross a road without being run over(lol). one day when I decided to watch the first episode of the new leaf lets play I was hooked to it and watched the entire series. That christmas i got a 3ds and new leaf then played the heck out of that game.
PS. Literally just hit the 400 hr mark on my original town.:p:p:p
i lived without internet for a long part of my childhood, so i came across it in a gamestop one day! it was wild world, i believe. i have been in love with it ever since.
WW was bundled with a blue DS classic I wanted for Christmas. I think I saw the game box in ToysRUS before then and got excited about Ruby, not knowing anything else. This was during the time department and toy stores still sold new GBA games and the DS was new.
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My older brother used to have a subscription to the UK Nintendo Official Magazine (as it was called back in the day), and I recall when they published a review on the GameCube instalment after the North American version came out. IIRC, it wasn't long after that that rumours began to circulate about Nintendo deciding not to release the game in Europe. Possibly along with other magazines and websites, NOM held a petition to bring it over, and my brother was one of the people who signed it. I don't actually know if it had any impact in their decision to ultimately localise it, but my brother bought it at launch... and after only a few weeks, realised he didn't enjoy it whatsoever! I liked it though, and have bought every title since.
I saw the gamecube version at the store and thought it looked cute. I then got hooked and have been a fan of the series ever since.
All of my overseas friends and followers were playing AC and I was just, you know what? I wanna play AC too! It took me a while to get a 3DS though.
My first exposure was from one of my friends when I was a junior in high school who brought her 3ds to school and played new leaf. She brought it a couple more times and one of our mutual friends brought hers as well to play along. I wasn't really sold on it until I got my own 3ds and just picked new leaf as one of the games to come with it.
I bought wild world as a random present for my sister, when I watched her play it turned out that I liked it even better than her xd A few weeks later I bought city folk and I used to play it until I got new leaf, it's my fave now :)
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I found out about it when my sister was looking to buy a new game, she was actually looking to buy harvest moon. But then my older sister suggested she buy animal crossing instead (no idea how she knew about it, she didn't even own any of the games until city folk.) then soon enough my sister was hooked and I made a villager in her town. Then I got my own wild world copy, and I haven't looked back since.
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I found out through my best friend. I was hanging out at her house many years ago and she introduced me to Wild World on her DS. But it wasn't until 4-5 years later that I actually picked up a 3DS and a copy of New Leaf.
Back in 2013, I saw a commercial for Animal Crossing: New Leaf and I knew I had to have it. So I begged my dad for it for a solid couple of months until he finally bought it for me when we went on a trip to walmart.