Have you ever broken a bone??


Senior Member
Jul 19, 2020
I was always very proud of myself when asked if I’d ever broken a bone. No, my bones must be really strong I’d say. Not for long...

Flashback to February. I play cricket and got hit on my big toe. Really painful but I didn’t think it was broken. I kept playing, wobbling around the field, and it wasn’t until I got home and took my shoe off I saw the most disgusting, purple, swollen toe and I was like yes, it’s broken. The pain seemed to get worse now that I’d seen it but my parents said to wait a few days to see if it gets better before we go to a doctor.

A few days had past and it look so much worse so my parents finally took me to get it checked out and surprise, it was broken.

We were told it would take 4-6 weeks to heal but it’s still a bit painful so we only recently got another X-ray and it’s still healing. Doesn’t bother me too much though cause cricket season is over so I can rest it as much as I want.

Have you ever broken a bone? If so which one and how?
I’ve broken a thumb when i was a kid; I think I fell on our gravel driveway or something. A couple months or so ago, I broke one of my toes when I was walking too fast in my room, I smashed my toes hard on the corner of a wall in my room when I got up and was leaving my room.
I broke my left wrist clean in half when I was younger. I was on top of a bathroom counter and shouldn’t have been, and ended up falling off. :LOL: Thankfully it was a clean break though and didn’t require surgery. It has been healed for awhile now and I haven’t broken any bones since then. :)
I broke the side of my left hand below my pinky finger down to my wrist when I was in first grade. I was running in PE and tripped and tried to break my fall but collapsed on my hand instead (I'm left handed). Of course when I told my PE teacher what happened with tears in my eyes she told me to quit being dramatic and get back out there with the other kids. I tried a second time but she didn't want to hear it. Thankfully PE was my last class of the day so I remember getting my backpack ready to go home and I went to zip it up with my left hand, but I couldn't grap the zipper (cause my hand was broken). I still remember the feeling- it felt like when you hit your funny bone, or when your foot falls asleep, it was all fuzzy and tingly and I physically could not move it. Anyways as soon as my mom picked me up I immediately started crying lmao and she had me put ice on it when I got home and called our doctor or something who suggested I go to the ER for an Xray and sure enough it was broken. F--- my PE teacher who didn't believe me lol.

What was really interesting though is ever since then my body has subconsciously been protective of my left hand/arm. I still write left handed, but I do most other things involving strength right handed such as throwing a ball, which I had previously done with my left hand before I broke it. If I were to get hit by a dodgeball right now, my body would automatically turn to the left and I would hold up my right hand. Pretty interesting, I think.
No, I've been lucky to have never broken a bone considering I'm quite clumsy. The closest I ever came was in gym class in high school when I dislocated a finger. It turned huge and purple and everyone assumed it was broken so my parents were called to take me for x-rays. Luckily, it wasn't broken, but it was my dominant hand and I had to keep it bandaged for a few weeks so writing was really difficult.
Thankfully, I’ve never broken a bone! I’m so thankful, as I can’t (nor do I want to) think about the pain of that. The closest I’ve come is about 2 years ago I tripped up the stairs. Yeah... up the stairs. It hurt my ankle quite bad and was swollen up and such. I remember being too afraid to do anything about it, so I limped around for the entire day. Luckily, i went to get X-rays and it wasn’t broken.
Yes. I broke my elbow. The story behind it is a bit embarrassing, and it could have been avoided if not for the fact I was being stupid at the time. I think I was 9 years old.
I broke my ankle a little over two years ago by falling down the stairs at university. My professor found me lying on the landing and had to call the ambulance because I couldn't walk and didn't have any other means of getting to the hospital (or anywhere for that matter). It actually only hurt for about 24 hours, but it was extremely swollen/discoloured and I couldn't walk without an aid for about two months.
No I've Never Broken A Bone But! I Have Gotten Hurt REALLY Bad. You Know those Nice looking Cakes That have those BAMBOO SKEWERS in them to hold up Decorations? Well My Parents Didint Realise That Until AFTER They Slammed my Face in The Cake.The Moment I Felt The Spike Peirce my Forhead I Screamed. And Now I Have a Irrational Fear Of Cake. I Know It Is Stupid But It Was Scary.Also Oh my Gosh So The ENTIRE Time You Were Helping Me Clean My Island YOUR TOE WAS BROKEN???
No I've Never Broken A Bone But! I Have Gotten Hurt REALLY Bad. You Know those Nice looking Cakes That have those BAMBOO SKEWERS in them to hold up Decorations? Well My Parents Didint Realise That Until AFTER They Slammed my Face in The Cake.The Moment I Felt The Spike Peirce my Forhead I Screamed. And Now I Have a Irrational Fear Of Cake. I Know It Is Stupid But It Was Scary.Also Oh my Gosh So The ENTIRE Time You Were Helping Me Clean My Island YOUR TOE WAS BROKEN???

hahaha don’t worry, it not too painful anymore. But oofft, that cake mishap sounds horrible:oops:
Surprisingly, no. But I did come close (i think?) in 6th grade.

My friend was squeezing my wrist because it was small, and she wanted to make a point of how small it was. The only problem though, is that she was in wrestling, and I could barely lift 10 pounds and have noodle arms. So it hurt a lot.
Later that day, in gym, it was still hurting, but I didn't think much of it and since it was a Monday, I was kind of goofing off by myself. When we were going to leave class, my other friend threw a basketball at me and told me to catch it. She accidentally knocked me over, and I ended up slamming that same wrist onto the concrete gym flooring.

it was in a lot of pain for the rest of the week, but i'm sure it wasn't broken since it wasn't swollen or anything. Just the worst bruise I've ever had.
I'm fortunate enough to have never broken a bone, however I have fractured and dislocated my pinky toe. I slipped on wet grass and caught myself at completely the wrong angle. D:
When I was 8 I fell off my scooter and landed right on the road. My left elbow was only slightly broken, but it was enough to warrant a cast. Showering during those three months was hard.
My brother broke my arm when I was in 2nd or 3rd grade. We were play wrestling and he twisted my arm too far or something like that. I remember telling my grandma my arm was in pain and she told me it’s just fine and proceeded to massage my arm as I winced and cried in pain. I think it was a day later my parents took me to the hospital because we suspected my arm broke.
Nope, luckily, I was about to do it but fortunately it didn't happen🥵how does it feel to break a bone?
I've only broken a bone once, and that was when I broke my left leg when I was 3 by pulling a TV off a small TV stand when I was trying to adjust it to make the picture clearer, which landed onto it. Admittedly I don't remember how it felt when I broke it and how long it took to recover, I just know it was in a cast for some unknown amount of time. I've fortunately never broke a bone after that incident, though!
I have, twice. Once when I was little and playing with a friend on her trampoline—I tried climbing off the side instead of using the ladder right when my friend landed, and I got flung off, landed on my left arm, and broke it. I know it hurt, because I started crying and knew I needed to go home, but I don't actually remember the sensation anymore. Thankfully, it was a clean break, but that's the ladder is there for, kids. Funnily enough, that was how I was finally able to remember which side was left and right; I always got them mixed up prior to that.
The second time was when I was a pre-teen. I did a pratfall and accidentally kicked the heck out of our ottoman and broke my right middle toe. That one was a much nastier break and until it was set, I couldn't put any weight on that foot because it hurt too much, but luckily it didn't require surgery or anything. It looks a little bigger than the other middle toe and still occasionally aches from time-to-time.
I was given a local anesthetic when I got my toe set and it barely hurt at all, but we went to the emergency room for my arm and I didn't get anything before they set it—that was the only time in my life I've actually screamed in pain ahaha. Hopefully it'll stay the only time!
When I was a kid I broke the heel of my right foot. Was not pretty at all. Never healed right so I can't stand in the same spot for too long without being in pain.