Golden shovel

I'm gonna be honest the Gold Shovel was not even worth it. Because I've been using like normal shovels that can be customized so that way it restarts the durability I have used the gold shovel less. You wanna know the worst part? The Gold Shovel cannot be customized and the same goes for any other golden tool.
I still have yet to get mine. Honestly, I wasn't able to keep track of it.

I only know that helping Gullivar doesn't count though.
Sign will luv it when I get mine, so I don’t have to do guliver again. I really don’t like his stuff and just sell it or give it away.
I finally bothered to check my catalog to see how many Gulliver items I've actually obtained, and the answer seems to be twenty-four. So, in theory, I need to help him six more times to get the gold shovel recipe. Which will most likely take a lot more than six weeks, given how rarely he seems to show up. But now I feel less irritated, knowing that I really haven't seen him that many times yet. The game isn't necesarily messing up, it's just taking a ridiculous amount of time.