Games You Try To Avoid?

I avoid Among Us like the plague. I'm too old for such nonsense like this, and don't even get me started on its obnoxious fans, they're all probably just 14-year-old or something boys who won't stop commenting, "sus", or, "amogus", almost everywhere you look on the Internet.

Not to mention, the imposters that appear in the game have such lazy designs, they look like bad MS Paint drawings of the Teletubbies characters in astronaut suits, or something.

Also, Pocket Camp, that app is the ultimate cash cow.
I don't avoid any games really. It looks fun? I will play it. Only thing coming to my mind is to be wary of new releases and if they are from EA or Ubisoft I am extra careful.
“Free to play” games, trending/meme games, and also Splatoon because it makes me uncomfortable.
So I don't like FPS games like Halo or Call of Duty, they make me uncomfortable and also I'm just really bad at them. I also don't really like resident evil, so I avoid those type of games as well. I am always willing to try a game once but sometimes even from watching the game I can tell it's not a game I'd enjoy.
Kingdom Hearts, Ive got massive grudges against it. So I stay clear of it. The only game I semi liked was Birthday by Sleep. Otherwise It's not for me, and I have strong feelings towards it.

Somewhat Among Us. Just because it gives me nightmares, and lots of the people playing are toxic. I used to like it, but not anymore.
Not including games I simply don't like, I avoid any achievement/ranking-based games because if there's a measurable way to see how well you're doing then I feel the need to get the highest ranking possible or get every achievement and it takes up way too much of my time.

Also anything first person gives me motion sickness, so I can't play games like that even if I want to.
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I try to avoid multiplayer games, as I much prefer playing video games by myself. There are exceptions, of course, but in general that is my preference. It might be more accurate to say that I avoid co-op multiplayer games. If it's something like Fortnite where I can play solo and I'm not directly interacting with my opponents, then I don't mind.
The ones I avoid completely are horror games and shooter games. I don't like horror in general because I find most too...desperate. Desperate to be scary and so that turns my interest off. I dislike shooter games like Call of Duty and Splatoon to name a few. I usually have bad coordination in those kind of games. I also dislike Minecraft for some reason. Maybe its just the shape of the blocks but even the game itself has never captivated my attention. Finally...most forced online competitive games. If online is optional like Pokemon I don't mind others doing competitive. I used to do competitive games in the past and it really made me hyper-fixated. Too hyper-fixated and it started causing irl problems.
I also have issues with Minecraft! It gives me nausea/motion sickness.

And any violent games. I'm fine with cartoon violence, but that's it. Otherwise I'm open to playing anything.
I avoid GTA, Minecraft, or any games that attract an immature audience. I would never be able to get along with anybody that enjoys those games. No matter how much I would attempt to be nice, they would shut it down. I haven't been able to immerse myself in the sports gaming community because I'm not like most people who play those games. I just keep my identity a secret, refuse to voice chat, and just play as "that random person they encounter in online."
I don’t like scary games or anything with jump scares or graphic violence. (Half-Life, Postal, Amnesia, FNAF) I also don’t do MMOs. For specifics, I won’t play Fortnite, Minecraft, Overwatch, Red Dead Redemption, or Call of Duty.
I also don’t want to play Skyrim, not because I don’t like it- but it because I’ll get so engrossed in the story I’ll get distracted lol. (I love Medieval fantasy-themed things.)
I'm really surprised at all the Minecraft hate. I've been playing Minecraft since it was in alpha in 2009, and even though I haven't played it in a few years, I could definitely jump right back in. I thought everyone liked minecraft!

I avoid VR games. I get motion sickness easily, so they're not for me.
All games made after 2010.

Sports games, as 99℅ of them are just plain unappealing to me. I'm also not the biggest fanatic of racing games, although there are some exceptions.

Oh yeah, and video games that are based upon some movie or TV show too, as those are rarely ever that great (some examples of this would be Last Action Hero, Rocko's Modern Life: Spunky's Dangerous Day, Rugrats: Search For Reptar and The SpongeBob SquarePants Movie game. All of these are pretty mediocre).
Call of Duty, Fire Emblem, Raid Shadow Legends, and the one game that I refuse to acknowledge existing because even hearing or seeing the name of it causes me to go into a fit of rage where I want to punch a giant hole into the wall.
Most licensed games based on TV shows are bad. Usually, if it's official, like South Park Stick of Truth/Fractured But Whole/Phone Destroyer, they're good, but ones like those random Simpsons games with PS2 graphics are awful. Also, there's the ET Atari game, but let's let that game be forgotten.
Anything that is first person perspective only. I get so nauseous playing those games no matter how I adjust the visual settings. The only exception is Portal 1 and 2 but even then I can only play 15 minutes at a time.

Games that aren't controller compatible. I am terrible at mouse and keyboard controls so I tend to avoid games that rely solely on that.
Definitely FPS games. I'm no good at aiming so they tend to stress me out. I also don't like the anesthetics of guns at all. It's a shame, since so many people love them! I wish I appreciated them in the same way.
i play alot of JRPGS, but the amount of JRPGs that have some form of inappropriate fanservice is very high. i try to ignore games like that.
I avoid The Legend of Zelda because I just cannot stand Puzzles. Plus any fighting games like Street Fighter, Mortal Kombat, and Super Smash Bros. I am just not into them. I know people love them but they are not my style.