Games that ruins friendships


Senior Member
Aug 9, 2016
Silver Mailbox
Have you guys ever had a multi-player game that would make you and your friends yell at each other? Mine's is Mario Kart 8...especially on teams!!
Yes!! It's not a video game but Uno used to make me and my friends hate each other, don't ask why lol. We always played it for hours and it was fun but it went that intense that my friend actually ripped the cards so we couldn't play it anymore. We were young though so that probably had something to do with it. The game is supposed to be fun but it was too much for us back then :D

/ Also the Sims 2, me and my brother tried to play the same save but we couldn't agree of anything so my brother completely messed the house and everything so I stopped playing it.
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I played Zelda: Four Swords with a friend. Things got ugly during Rupee Fever and I often ended up getting my friend killed. Which was a pain, since we shared the same life meter.
Mario kart/Mario party is the best way to destroy your friendship, I'M LOOKING AT YOU JOHNATHAN AND YOUR BLUE SHELL. Also league of legends
In Pokemon B&W2 My sister and I battled in the battle subway. We were on the same team but we kept attacking each other. At first we raged but it kinda got humerous!
Mario Party for sure. It's a very good test on any kind of relationship tbh. Smash Bros often accomplishes the same thing. As for board games, Monopoly and Sorry always brings out different sides of people. :p
super mario bros ... so much frustration and anger, especially when someone else picks u up or jumps on your head so u die ):
my friends and i stopped playing that game together because we got angry at each other too often lmao rip
League of Legends. I haven't played a more stressful game in my life. I've gotten into arguments, witnessed my friends getting into arguments. The game can sometimes make good days into bad days.
Definitely Mario Party, because I am ultra competitive when it comes to that game and haven't lost a single game.
mario party with all the dice rolls and crap lmao when you had to choose someone to go back to the start lol