Gamecube Version


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Dec 22, 2016
Been wanting to create a serious town that I'll play on for the gamecube version for a while. Who plays the GC version, or who would?
I've been playing the Gamecube version since it was released way back in the day. I think I was 12 when it came out (to put it in perspective, I'll be 27 this year). I think the Gamecube version is just pure fun, despite there being not too much to do compared to, say, New Leaf. The holidays are very fun, too, I think!
I loved my GameCube version, those were the days. I miss it! I was all about catching those red snappers!
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Since I started with New Leaf, I'm afraid I might just be too used to all the features in this game to go back to something more simple. I wouldn't be opposed to trying it though. But I don't even have a GC lol
Since I started with New Leaf, I'm afraid I might just be too used to all the features in this game to go back to something more simple. I wouldn't be opposed to trying it though. But I don't even have a GC lol

It works on the Wii, unless you don't have one of those.

I still play the GameCube version to this day. Was gonna get City Folk/Let's Go to the City again for my b-day but couldn't be bothered so that would have to wait for a while. I have two towns for the GCN game: Midtown (which I play every day) and Maple (which I play every Saturday). I have a lot of fond memories of it but I'm not going to type it all up because it takes forever.
It works on the Wii, unless you don't have one of those.

I still play the GameCube version to this day. Was gonna get City Folk/Let's Go to the City again for my b-day but couldn't be bothered so that would have to wait for a while. I have two towns for the GCN game: Midtown (which I play every day) and Maple (which I play every Saturday). I have a lot of fond memories of it but I'm not going to type it all up because it takes forever.

Would it work on Wii U? :O
I tried the GC version as a kid, after getting totally engrossed in Wild World, but something about the weird movement in the game (the ground always seems to be rolling under you) constantly gave me headaches and made me feel sick, so I had to stop. I never found PG or CF to be nearly as immersive as WW and NL anyway, though - something about having a whole town on a small, portable console feels exciting and magical to me in a way that large-screen play never does.
I created mine last night. My town name is 30 Acres. Mayor - oh wait, I'm the not the mayor! My player name is Issac.

My Villagers right now are Alfonso, Blaire, Nibbles, Chow, Jambette, and Goose.
You should screen shot some pics from it!
I did play it, however my copy of it got stolen not too long ago. I've been playing Animal Forest on an emulator as of recently. It glitches and stops working occasionally, though, so I don't play it too seriously.
I used to play the Gamecube version. Looking forward to it coming to virtual console on the Switch. Currently, it's in the testing phase, so I do not know when it will be released, but can't wait!
I miss the gamecube version! Hearing the music makes me feel so nostalgic. I remember playing it at night a lot so I always heard the night time music. Makes me miss the old days when I could spend all my time playing games! hahah
I still boot it up on an emulator from time to time when I feel like scratching that nostalgia itch. Like others have said there's not nearly as many features as New Leaf but it does have far better dialogue and music and it's still fun to run around. I find bells are worth a lot more in PG as they're harder to acquire so there's a nice challenge aspect to it compared to NL.
I started on Dolphin about 5 days ago and am enjoying every minute of it. The age of it doesn't spoil anything for me as all the AC games look vastly the same. As long as it runs smoothly, which it does. Only gripe I do have is having to sell objects or select letters one by one (unless I haven't discovered a certain button yet?); that gets a bit tedious but not enough to stop playing. :lemon:

I wish someone started a play AC challenge (like in the New Leaf forum) but for GC. We could have had some fun together. Maybe we still can, just a month late.
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I started on Dolphin about 5 days ago and am enjoying every minute of it. The age of it doesn't spoil anything for me as all the AC games look vastly the same. As long as it runs smoothly, which it does. Only gripe I do have is having to sell objects or select letters one by one (unless I haven't discovered a certain button yet?); that gets a bit tedious but not enough to stop playing. :lemon:

I wish someone started a play AC challenge (like in the New Leaf forum) but for GC. We could have had some fun together. Maybe we still can, just a month late.

There is a button to select more than one item. I think it's X or Y (might be L or R but I'm mostly sure it's X or Y... too tired to remember right now).