Game of the Year

One of my friends who has a 360, of which I'll hopefulky be getting one soon, has BioShock and Halo 3.
I played both, Halo more, never-the-less I highly enjoyed both.
And both greatly deserve to be up for GotY.
No offense, but Halo 3 doesn't stand a chance/deserve it. But do tot he entire gaming population that owns it. It will definitely get a nominee. I think Bioshock deserves it though. Bioshock is a great game overall. But I still want FE to win.

ugh. I got soooooooo bored reading the first page, I skipped to here.


I say if there's to be a PS3 title, I'm not sure about YOU guys, but I would definitely choose either Mercs 2, or Ratchet and Clank: ToD :yes:
hmm, I can't really think of any really good games that came out this year other then halo...

Can't say anything about bioshock, I haven't played it yet.
hmm, I can't really think of any really good games that came out this year other then halo...

Can't say anything about bioshock, I haven't played it yet.
Yea I know, I can't think of any either.