Furniture That Never Came Back


Frost Egg Collector
Mar 2, 2018
Turquoise Squid Easter Egg
Red Pikmin Easter Egg
Pink Hybrid Tulip
Frost Easter Egg
Frost Easter Egg
Pink Hybrid Lily
Purple Violet
White Pansy
Frost Easter Egg
Frost Easter Egg
It has come to my attention that 2 items of the classic series are only available in the Gamecube versions. I honestly have no idea why they would do this.


I was only able to find a picture of one of them, and that is the classic cabinet. The other is the classic hutch which can be found here. Do you know about any other items to have been mysteriously removed, and do you have any idea why?
They've replaced them with wall items. (Shelves, lamps and clocks).

I guess they wanted to keep the sets to 11 to 13? items. :(
There was a bunch of stuff that never came back, especially from the GC version. The slot machine, the n64 and gamecube system logos, the lovely stereo, the mario and luigi trophies and the NES game systems that could be played in game are the ones I could think of off the top of my head. iirc, gamecube version was the biggest catalog in the series, but Idk if that's still true with the WA update for New Leaf.
the nes games!! I know in NL we get Desert Island Escape and w/e that puzzle game is but I miss playing Excite Bike!! And it wasn't removed but I don't like how they renamed apple tv to juicy apple tv and I also wish they still had the apples running across the screen