Favorite video game?

As guilty as I feel about not mentioning one of the pokemon franchise's main series games... the game I've been the most fond of ever since I played it would be Pokemon Mystery Dungeon 2, aka explorers of Time/Darkness/Sky (the latter being the most complete and thus best version).

It had an epic adventure with both the fun of assembling your own pokemon team with a buttload of different creatures to choose from (which is the series's main strength) AND a deeply involving and emotional story that I still look back fondly on to this day.

To hell with what the reviewers said, this game is a perfect 10/10 for me.
Some of my all-time favorites:

Final Fantasy VI
Final Fantasy Tactics (the original and War of the Lions, not the Advance games)
Mass Effect series
Rock Band 2
Super Mario World

I've been gaming for a long time so I have plenty of games I like, but those are my top favorites. Yes, even way above anything Animal Crossing.
There are a lot of games I love, but ones that are my absolute favorites are definitely Pokemon Black, Pokemon Explorers of Time, Monster Hunter 4 Ultimate. Those are the ones that left the most impact on me, and remain ones I could play over again.
Favorite video game of all time is got to be Majora's Mask. Not entirely from nostalgia when I played on 64 but more of because of the eerie, scary feeling I got form the game when I was young and getting that feeling that the world was gonna end and the feeling to have the power to stop it from happening. I really liked the darkness to the game.
Some of my all-time favourite games besides ACNL would be, in no particular order:
LOZ: Wind Waker - most incredible atmosphere in a video game, I personally love the graphics, and I found the game so beautiful, immersive, and emotional.
LOZ: Ocarina of Time - Undisputed masterpiece of a game
LOZ: Majora's Mask - Dark, eerie, and haunting in the best possible way, incredible side quests and I found myself caring so much about all the characters and Termina
Life is Strange - An amazing, episodic, decision-based game
Super Mario World - My favourite 2D platformer
Super Mario Galaxy 2 - The level design is so cool and I just found myself really enjoying this game
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Clash of Clans, Final Fantacy 7, AW and Civ 6. I'm a huge fan of gaming, but I heard that gamers quite often become a soft target for cyberattacks. That's why I prefer to use VPN network for gaming to protect my security and privacy. With its help I even can play geo-blocked games without any security risks.
Tie between the Pokemon series and Terraria. Both are games that I rotate between for extensive amounts of time.
I don't have a favorite game. I play a small game on the way to college, so I usually read the blog about casual games: https://theappsdepot.com/blog and search for a new one. And I prefer to have a new game each day, that helps not to get addictive to the games.
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My two favorite games of ALL time are Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time and Final Fantasy Tactics.

Others that rank really really high are Star Ocean: Second Story/Second Evolution, Harvest Moon: Animal Parade, and Fire Emblem: Path of Radiance! ^-^
My favorite Zelda game, and my favorite game overall, is Majora's Mask.
Zelda Wind Waker HD!
Close second is Mario Galaxy 2. :p
The entire Castlevania series, straight up. I love a LOT of games, but Castlevania will always have a special place in my heart. I've played 95% of the games to completion and I just absolutely love the style of the art, the gameplay, and the story. If I had to choose runner ups, they'd be Splatoon, Bayonetta, Harvest Moon, and Overwatch (☆ω☆*)
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Pok?mon, animal crossing, harvest moon, kh, ff, spyro, mass effect, gow and other series... ah, and I love life is strange
Life Is Strange, Grand Theft Auto, Sleeping Dogs, Stardew Valley, Pok?mon
My hands-down favorite video game of all-time is FFVII: Crisis Core (PSA to everyone who hasn't played it yet: YOU SHOULD) and second would be Persona 3 Portable (P3P not P3 because I like dating Akihiko) and in third place is TES IV: Oblivion (Skyrim introduced me to the franchise, but Oblivion was more immersive and had better story-telling IMO)
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