Favorite video game?

Planescape: Torment

a unique setting, a cast of very interesting characters and the best writing i've seen in a video game. it makes the writing of a lot of other games (especially rpgs) seem pretty infantile.
My favorite game that isn't ACNL is Kid Icarus Uprising! I also like Stardew Valley, Skullgirls, and Danganronpa.
My favorite video game, it's Emily's Delicious game on phone. (≧▽≦)
It's very cute game and nice story of a young girl who manage your own restaurant; I love the decor of the different restaurants that she works and the personalization. It's very simple and colorful at the same time that puts a really nice atmosphere to play. (◕‿◕✿)
Anyone who knows me would tell you that the Uncharted series is my end all be all favorite game series. My favorite tho is a tie between U2 and U3.

Pokemon and Zelda are next on my list.
My favorite game is Fire Emblem: Path of Radiance, with Fire Emblem: Radiant Dawn being a close second. Path of Radiance is stronger overall, but Radiant Dawn is the sequel and it's hard to separate the two for me.

Honorable mentions go to the Pokemon and Mother/EarthBound series and Zombies Ate My Neighbors.

I don't play Zelda games and just prefer to watch others do so, but my favorite of those is Majora's Mask.
It's a toss-up between the Donkey Kong Country series, Kirby (Super Star) and Dynasty Warriors.
I'm a hard core sims fan (not a fan of TS4). I don't really have one single favorite game. I love Phoenix Wright and Fire Emblem Awakening equally.
I'm a hard core sims fan (not a fan of TS4). I don't really have one single favorite game. I love Phoenix Wright and Fire Emblem Awakening equally.

I love the Sims too! I have a love/hate relationship with TS4.. I like building houses more than actually playing.

My current favorite game is Crusader Kings 2 because I really like family/dynasty simulation games. And a bit of historical strategy. It's great!
Zelda - I like all of them, but MM, OoT, and TP are my favorites
Metroid - All of the 2D ones. I wanted to play the Prime trilogy but I absolutely fail at first person games.
Pokemon - All of them but mainly the mystery dungeon games. I prefer playing as a pokemon and talking to them, than just being a trainer who captures and battles pokemon.
World of Warcraft - I really love the world, and the lore. Love all the books for that game, too.
Dragon Age - Origins and Inquisition (I've not played 2 yet)
(Animal Crossing is obviously a top game of mine, too)
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It's between the elder scrolls and spyro ^^

Also for Zelda, I've only played two. So Majora's Mask
Legend of Zelda - All of them, except for Spirit Tracks (although it had really funny moments, it really didn't live up to the Zelda name)
Fantasy Life
Little Big Planet
COD: Zombies
Favorite game to play: acnl that's why i joined this site xd

Favorite game to watch others play: would be the walking dead game, especially season 2 i remember re-watching Pewdiepie playing it over and over, so excited for season 3 which came out, loving the story
The World Ends With You stands as my favourite game, and has been maintaining that position for around eight years.

Resonance of Fate is a close second.

Persona 4, Odin Sphere, and Nine Hours, Nine Persons, Nine Doors are all amazing experiences.

I'm crazy fond of Cooking Mama and Kirby games for simplicity and stress relief.

But as a franchise, Pokemon is my favourite. Easily. I've been playing it for eighteen years with no end in sight.
My favourite game is easily Tales of Symphonia.
I'm a huge Tales of fangirl in general (I even imported some of the Japanese games lol)

I also really enjoy all the Fire Emblem games and Danganronpa 2. Danganronpa V3 can't come soon enough!
All of them but mainly the mystery dungeon games. I prefer playing as a pokemon and talking to them, than just being a trainer who captures and battles pokemon.

I agree! I'm in love with the main pokemon games, but I secretly love the mystery dungeon series more...
Plus I love the story lines SO much better. Like have you played the explorers of darkness/time/sky series? Those are my all time favorites oh man...