Favorite let's players/streamers?

ChuggaaConroy, NintendoCapriSun, Proton Jon, MasaeAnela, Josh Jepson, Lucahjin, Tom Fawkes, and very rarely, SuperJeenius.
Used to love Chuggaaconroy and HeadbuttArcade/AndrewArcade back in the day but I don't really watch let's plays nowadays :/
I watch Valkia on an almost regular basis. He plays Overwatch and is a grandmaster pharah main, I learned pharah mostly from him!

Besides him I sometimes watch Kephrii. I also started watching Fenn3r today.
Speaking of Cr1tikal, he released a 10 year anniversary Youtube video that reveals himself recently. What a sexy beast if I might add.
I don't watch YouTube let's plays/streamers, I only watch Twitch streamers...

My favorites: Annemunition, lil_lexi, fairlight_excalibur, carlsagan42, thedragonfeeney, iateyourpie, pangaeapanga, retrogaijin.

aaand that's actually it lately oops lol I used to be huge into let's players but sadly my interest has died down, i've hardly watched mark lately and i watched him 24/7 from 2015-2016 :(
Chaggaconroy, especially his collabs with ProtonJon and NCS. Dashie, Mangaminx when she did Silent Hill, and Cryaotic most definitely ^-^