Favorite and Least Favorite NPC

My favorites are Phyllis and Gracie. I love their snooty and negative personalities. I also really love Brewster cause he's just so sweet to me, we're literally besties ❤

My least favorite is probably Copper. I'm just not a huge fan of him and his design. I also don't like Wisp. He's kind of just, meh.
My favorite is Celeste! Wild World was my first AC, and I spent so much time in the observatory with her. She’s so precious and sweet.

Least favorite is probably Lyle. I accept that if all the NPCs were likable and friendly, it’d be boring, but his brand of sleazy is just ick to me.
My absolute favourite will always be KK Slider, the best musician to ever exist, and my least favourite... I honestly don't know? I guess I don't care about Harv at all
My favorite NPCs are Isabelle and Blathers! Isabelle's just so sweet and hardworking, I wish I could tell the poor thing to take a day off from time to time, or at least write her a nice thank you letter or something.
I also like Blathers' aesthetic and I really enjoy collecting things for the museum, though it makes me a little sad that he always stops himself from telling his stories or talking too much. ;; And while I'm not bothered by all bugs/insects, there's definitely a few that seriously creep me out, so I can relate to him a bit too.
(I also have a soft spot for both dogs and owls, so that might also be part of why I like them so much.)

As for least favorites, I don't like Kapp'n and Shrunk. I find some of Kapp'n's dialogue creepy/uncomfortable, and I just... don't like Shrunk. Something about him rubs me the wrong way, I suppose.
favorite: kapp'n, celeste, phyllis, resetti

least favorite: LYLE :mad: he talks way too much and isn't even charming like blathers is, not to mention i really don't care about the hha
Favorites are Pascal, dropping some truths on you maaaan. I like Kicks as well, hopefully he gets his own shop later come New Horizons. Least favorite would probably be Shrunk. I mean I get humor that's so bad it's supposed to be awkward and by association funny. He just wasn't.
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kicks is my fav, he always has been. i don’t know what it is, i just love him. his personality and design match him perfectly and he just seems like a genuine and honest guy. i also love tom nook, he never deserved the hate he would always get. he’s just such a nice guy! he gives us a free tent, then proceeds to let us pay off our loan literally whenever we want! and in the previous games, he’d have you pay it off by doing favours for him that were so easy that he was basically paying off our loan for free. what a great guy. isabelle however... no. im sorry, there’s something about her that bothers me. i don’t know what it is but i don’t like her. people like her here in NL but don’t like her in NH, i never liked her in either one. she just bothers me.
For my favourite NPC... It would have to be a tie between Leif and Brewster, they are just awesome and I love them. I also love KK, Katrina, Lloid, Tortimer and family, and Sable (The sisters have such an interesting back story + dynamic!). In other words, I love a lot of the NPCs.

I would say that my least favourite NPC has probably got to be either Zipper T Bunny or Guliver. Unlike a lot of people, I don't find Zipper particularly scary but rather very boring and sad in a lot of ways lol. Gulliver is cool but the whole getting washed up on shore thing gets old really quickly and honestly annoying. That being said, I wouldn't want him to not be in the game.
My favorites would have to be Katrina, Kicks and the Kapp'n family.
Katrina is one of my favs. Need her in NH somehow, some way.
Kicks is super chill despite me hardly ever going into his store
Since I played on the island a lot, I developed a liking for Kappn and his family.

My least favorites would have to be the HHA crew and Shrunk.
Lyle was annoying and Digby was useless.
Shrunk was also annoying and not really that funny, but I did like the Shrunk Shuffle.
My favorites are Kicks and K.K. Slider!
Kicks has amazing design, which I like so much. He's so nice. (btw it would be cool if there was any kind of skunk villager in the game)
K.K. Slider is the first character that interested me when I started playing Animal Crossing, so I got used to him and I like his vibes!
Least favorite will be Zipper. The event with him was terribly tiring and I'm not a fan of his design.