Favorite and least favorite ACNL personality types?

My favourite personality type is definitely lazy, they're just so cute and wholesome and funny!
Uchi is probably my least favourite. I just never really feel like talking to the uchi villagers in my town for some reason.
I like between Peppy, Normal, and Lazy. I just think they are cute! :3
Favorite: Normal
Least Favorite: Jock

I usually avoid crankies the most because their tone of voice really hurts my ears (and sends off painful vibrations in my body), but I like their personality. It's a shame.
My least favorite is peppy. I can only have one of them in my town because they're soooo annoying (in my opinion!!). Like they're cute and all but they're way too energetic. If I had more than one peppy in my town I think it would give me a headache. I do love the letters they send though, sometimes they send those heart and star symbols which are very cute.

My favorite... I don't really have a favorite personality. I like them all except peppy.
Favorite right now is either cranky or lazy
Least favorite is probably jock, but i also dislike smug
Favorite is either cranky or uchi. Least favorite is jock. I actually like all of them but sometimes the jocks drive me crazy.
My favorite personality type always has been and always will be cranky. I love their gruffness, but when you get to know them, they're such sweet and loyal friends. I just get along with the cranky villagers in the game the best. I haven't met one that I don't like yet.

It's hard to pick a least favorite because I really do like them all, but I'm going to go with jock. I'm not into sports that much (I only follow a few specific teams), and I hate working out, so I have the least in common with them. But I do love it when they call me "ladybro". :cool:
my favorite personality type is either lazy or normal, their designs are my favorites and I just seem to get along with them!! My least favorite has got to be snooty because I just did not get along with Becky