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Dreams you had?

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F1 fan who loves pancakes
Squirtle Squad
Jul 5, 2018
Pink Heart Balloon
Yellow Heart Balloon
Cyan Heart Balloon
Moon Bunny
Pink Crescent Moon
Yellow Crescent Moon
Blue Crescent Moon
Snow Bunny
If it's possible to recall. Dreams are really hard to remember for whatever reason.

Just last night, I had this dream where I went to this one fast food restaurant where they served SO many sweets! To name a few, they were selling muffins, cinnamon buns, cupcakes and timbits. Yes, TIMBITS! And I wasn't at Tim Hortons! Apparently, they were also selling pizzas... And uh, for some reason, the person taking my order looked a lot like Angelina Jolie. DON'T ASK ME WHY BECAUSE IT'S A DREAM. Since there were so many things to choose from, I was a bit hesitant on what to order so I went with cinnamon buns, timbits, and possibly pie. I also remember the price I had to pay, $7.89 w/ tax. If you think about it, that's fairly cheap. While I was waiting for my order, there was this one guy who looked really fat and took a seat. Few seconds later, he just got up and went away. With my food being ready, I was just going to eat everything in a matter of minutes. But then I noticed there was this one food item I didn't even order. It looked like small leaves of spinach tightly wrapping around something. I took a bite out of it and it tasted like an explosion of blueberries! It tasted so good that I called my mother over to try some. She tried it and liked it as well! :D Unfortunately, my dream ended there and I didn't finish all of my food...

Do you have any funny/weird/wacky dreams that you can recall? :)
I remember most of my dreams (and they're all really weird) so I have lots of stories

Some interesting dreams I've had include:

-Being chased by Mr. Clean
-Fighting in a war that was lead by my boss
-Visiting a friend on a different continent but their face morphed like 4 times while I was visiting them
-TBT forums dodgeball match (I was the referee)
-A plane crashing into a building because I snapped my fingers, then falling unconscious and waking up in Paris
-Terrorist attack at my choir performance (which was taking place at Wal-Mart for whatever reason)
-Our neighbor forcing my mom to eat a whole box of bugs
-Unknowingly enrolling in a university course where you had to die in order to pass the course, and then my professor chased me across the city because I refused to do so

They're always very vivid too
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I haven’t had any dreams recently, but I had one about a week or two ago, the nightmare I had where I said I didn’t like a girl anymore and broke her heart, but she ended up chasing me up ladders and onto platforms like I was in a Mario game. She eventually killed me, lol.

Other than that I haven’t had any actual dreams for a long time (probably because I don’t usually get good sleep, even when I fall asleep early and wake up early...).
If it's possible to recall. Dreams are really hard to remember for whatever reason.

Just last night, I had this dream where I went to this one fast food restaurant where they served SO many sweets! To name a few, they were selling muffins, cinnamon buns, cupcakes and timbits. Yes, TIMBITS! And I wasn't at Tim Hortons! Apparently, they were also selling pizzas... And uh, for some reason, the person taking my order looked a lot like Angelina Jolie. DON'T ASK ME WHY BECAUSE IT'S A DREAM. Since there were so many things to choose from, I was a bit hesitant on what to order so I went with cinnamon buns, timbits, and possibly pie. I also remember the price I had to pay, $7.89 w/ tax. If you think about it, that's fairly cheap. While I was waiting for my order, there was this one guy who looked really fat and took a seat. Few seconds later, he just got up and went away. With my food being ready, I was just going to eat everything in a matter of minutes. But then I noticed there was this one food item I didn't even order. It looked like small leaves of spinach tightly wrapping around something. I took a bite out of it and it tasted like an explosion of blueberries! It tasted so good that I called my mother over to try some. She tried it and liked it as well! :D Unfortunately, my dream ended there and I didn't finish all of my food...

Do you have any funny/weird/wacky dreams that you can recall? :)

I thought I was the only one who has these type of dreams xD

Speaking of me I often kill people in my dreams idk why xD
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I’ve had this dream a lot since childhood and it’s getting kind of old, but I always end up in this cave on an island and inside the cave are dinosaurs and they chase me and one other friend (it changes every time) and I always somehow end up making it into the ocean while my friend gets devoured.
I had a horrible dream not long ago that my long distance bf broke up with me o(╥﹏╥)o
We're still going a strong 10 months though ^w^
I get lots of vivid, interesting dreams. Some I remember super clearly. Ugh...I've also had those inception-like dreams where I just COULD NOT wake up. That was accompanied with some sleep paralysis. I was afraid of taking naps for a good month after that. Basically, in the dreams, I would think I'm awake but in sleep paralysis, only to find out somehow (I dont remember) that I'm actually asleep. Then I try to wake myself up but yknow, inception type stuff. All the while, I was sort of aware of what as going on in the real world because my little sister was right next to me watching youtube and I could hear the sounds. Idk that was super trippy and scary. Woke up drenched in sweat.
I use to get a lot of zelda dreams but now today its bunch of splatoon dreams, ugh I hate them and I'm not really even been playing splatoon 2 in awhile.
I had a dream where I was playing some new Mario game where Luigi, Waluigi and Wario were missing and you had to rescue them

The only parts I vividly remember is where you're rescuing Waluigi and it's like this underwater area and Mario has got to find a water jetpack thing (similar to super mario sunshine) and there's like exploding paths and stuff
then at some point Wario is stealing cookies from someone, which might be why they were all kidnapped? lol idk what was up with that
The last realistic feeling dream I had that I can remember involved me being in Africa outside a village made of cinderblocks, corrugated iron and wood. There was a vast and extremely deep river running along a road a few miles to the south of the village. On one side of the road is the river and hugging close to the village side of the road is a small bank/rise in the terrain that's covered in long dead grass and the occasional dead tree cooked by the sun. I start off the dream lying in the grass on my stomach, facing the village. My heart is always racing, but my mind is calm.

I hear trucks approaching from the south and they pass by me about ten meters before stopping and offloading men with Assault rifles. As they turn to head towards the village I make a dash towards the river and plunge in. Unlike the surface where the grass is a light tan colour because of the lack of water, the river is full of lush green grass brushing around the side of the walls of the river. I hold my breath and find a tiny concave structure in the wall to swim inside as I see the shadows of the men looking above. I move through the concave structure and realise it's a pipe leading to the village. I pass out and don't recall what happens but I wake up in the village in a steel cell with some old furniture around me. I can't hear anyone or anything and then the dream repeats with me on the bank again facing the village.

Then I wake up with a cold sweat in real life... and this has happened to me like 3 times... it's so weird :(
I had a dream where I was playing some new Mario game where Luigi, Waluigi and Wario were missing and you had to rescue them

The only parts I vividly remember is where you're rescuing Waluigi and it's like this underwater area and Mario has got to find a water jetpack thing (similar to super mario sunshine) and there's like exploding paths and stuff
then at some point Wario is stealing cookies from someone, which might be why they were all kidnapped? lol idk what was up with that

That sounds like a very funny dream you had, must been fun to enjoy!
Most are bad dreams, recalling some traumatic experiences.
Funny dreams I can share though, something about going to school, woke up irl and start rummaging my closet for my school uniform.
I'm already done with school and is a working adult. : ^ )
This is going to sound really weird but here I go anyway. A few years ago I had this extremely vivid dream of me in a massive candy shop with my family and my best friend. The shop was for some reason was in the clouds. I remeber my parents, my brother and my best friend were all in a group on one side of the shop when I was running wild by myself on the other. Then suddenly my mum screamed and told me to run but it was too late. A massive crack appeared right under where I was standing and I fell down to earth. Mid-way through falling I woke up sweating really badly at about 2 am. I know it sounds like I'm faking that but I swear it's real. All my dreams are so weird and that's been so far my most vivid one yet.
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This is going to sound really weird but here I go anyway. A few years ago I had this extremely vivid dream of me in a massive candy shop with my family and my best friend. The shop was for some reason was in the clouds. I remeber my parents, my brother and my best friend were all in a group on one side of the shop when I was running wild by myself on the other. Then suddenly my mum screamed and told me to run but it was too late. A massive crack appeared right under where I was standing and I fell down to earth. Mid-way through falling I woke up sweating really badly at about 2 am. I know it sounds like I'm faking that but I swear it's real. All my dreams are so weird and that's been so far my most vivid one yet.

I don't think you're faking it. Dreams are supposed to be weird and illogical in ways that don't work normally in the world. As I mentioned in my dream, I ate a piece of spinach that tastes like blueberries for some reason. I'm also pretty sure that everyone has experienced a vivid dream at one point. :)
Idk my dream last night was when we went to this really nice resort but the owner went crazy and started hitting the students. me and this other guy escaped and we both hid under dirt, but i mistook him for the owner as he came over to me and attacked him. he was dying but we went to another hotel but didnt pay for the room so we left, then i ripped my eyes out because i dont really remember and then i met my sister and asked if i was still pretty. I knew i wasnt and she hesitated but said yes.
I actually had a really unsettling dream a few nights ago. There was a guy hiding out in the trees behind our street, but he was wearing a giant Woody costume from Toy Story(?????). Anyways, he was targeting my house for some reason, and I could see he was armed with a shotgun, but no one else could see him, so nothing was done about it. The next day he somehow managed to steal my dad's car and I had to call the police, but the feeling of relief I had in my dream knowing that he decided to not come into the house was insane. It sounds really stupid but I actually woke up feeling kind of scared LOL.

I can't remember the last time I had a "good" dream honestly. I tend to have a lot of freaky nightmares lately.
So like this puppy's on a podium and everybody's all "aaaawww" and im awkwardly standing a few feet away. Then it jumps on my arm, makes that angry cat meow thing noise(like, drawn out too) as it slowly tries to bite my arm.
One of the weirdest dreams I had recently was that Mario, Luigi, Peach, and Daisy were singing "Dancing Queen".
A few nights ago I dreamt that the planet Saturn was sucking Earth into its atmosphere. I don't know why, but there was a news broadcast saying it was "only going to hit western North America, and the rest of Earth would be fine". Even though Earth was way past Saturn's Roche limit and the whole thing would have been torn apart by Saturn's gravity way before the 2 planets could get that close. My only guess is that aliens would have pulled Saturn to our part of the solar system since there is no way that could ever happen otherwise.

I think it's because I've been learning a lot about astronomy recently. Apparently I didn't remember basic concepts of gravity and my brain accepted that as a possible event. I also apparently didn't remember that trying to apply logic to dreams is just going to end up confusing you even more.
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