Doodles of potential new species


Senior Member
Sep 17, 2013
I felt like sharing my drawings of potential new villager species, you can also share your ideas!


MORE animals! I gave them natural colors so they'll look pretty distinct for their species. Oh and I started giving em' names and personalities lol

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Omg I just posted a very similar thread..... Awkward.... O_O

Also I love the Bat idea. So cute! I'd love to have a little cranky bat villager. :3
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Love the snake, but the interactions would be awkward; like presents & fruit. @...@ Don't eat my hands! & I'll just hand this to your...uh...tail. OOOOOOH but you can have some length/height if there were ferrets. (lol I'm thinking furret) but maybe it would look to much like an otter?! hmmm
I like your fennec Idea! I might consider drawing one now lol. I need more inspiration for cat-like villagers,

Thanks, I'd love to see you draw one! I updated my post, I love that little bat. He kinda reminds me of marshal in a way haha! :3

Also for cats aside from the bob cat, a snooty Persian cat would be cool. There are no fluffy cats. D:
Those are some good villager species there. I want to see some Lemurs and Scorpions. I don't think the bugs will ever happen, though, but maybe.
I love your renditions of various animals as new villagers ^^ - though I think that the dragon looks kind of old xD. I'd love to have dinosaurs as a type of villager though even though the museum hosts a dinosaur exhibit. It would be funny just like how you can give an octopus to octopus villagers.
Ooooh! These are awesome designs~
The chake and seahorse are my favs
I love the snake. But I wonder how it would move in the game if there were a snake.
Also for the crayfish and seahorse, it would be pretty awesome for these villagers to ask you to catch a seahorse and crayfish for them just like how Octavian asks me to catch him an octopus :D
Ooh wow, those are great! My favourites are the bat and gecko designs - I feel they would work really well and fit in or complement the already existing villager species.
These are so cool! I love seeing fan interpretations of Animal Crossing character designs. Definitely stays true to the game.
I'm loving the Seahorse and Parakeet! You should make a few characters of each, would be cool to see different renditions of these animals :)
Some of these are awesome! The crayfish is actually really cute and I neeeeeed puppy villagers in my life :p
Aww, all of these are so cute! I want them all in the next AC. The snake, puppy and bat are especially cute ♡ I don't know how I feel about spider villagers though because I'm terrified of them irl D':
Yea, I felt the snake looked pretty awkward. I'd imagine they can move in an upright and coiled manner lol

I imagined a snake in AC would move by the natural way (body on ground, slowly moving) then it would coil upright while standing. As with the net, I thought they could hold tools with their tail.