do your parents play acnl?

My dad says it's stupid but I swear my mum plays it when I'm at school because once my brother complained because I wouldn't let him play wild world and my mum said it wasn't as good new leaf and I had never told her about wild world... o_O
My mom would play it if there was a version on iPad, but I don't think she would want to get a whole new game system to look after just to play one game. Besides my nieces and nephews would be all over it like a rash and she would get upset about it all. I do think she would enjoy the game if she wasn't already so hooked into her iPad games.
My mom does not play ACNL. Although she plays retro games from her childhood,like PacMan, Super Mario brothers,Crash Bandicoot, etc. She wants to play Mario Kart even though we don't have a Wii. Lol.
My mom is one of those folks that will never get into games. Not even smartphone ones. Too busy playing with her dog. My dad has weird one-offs where he'll go really in-depth with one game every few years. He did everything there was to do in Skyrim about a year ago, and hasn't played another game since.

But me and my sister share our AC frustrations with each other all the time. My boyfriend, who originally got me into AC when we were playing City Folk together, eventually stopped after I got so obsessed with it that it scared him and kinda put him off....haha.
Well mine don't but I am a parent. My 20 year old daughter plays. I first introduced WW to both my daughters, other daughter is 17. My six year old twins just started "playing" CF the other day. Meaning they run around and dig holes all over their town, run over flowers, sell enough fruit to change their hair once a day and totally ignore their villagers. LOL It is horrible to watch. Makes me cringe every time they load their game.
Both my parents think it's stupid. So does my brother.
There was a girl in my old school who plays it. She's 6 now.
They have no idea what ACNL is. They can barely use the computer...
Technologically challenged.
More into gambling..

Also the world might explode if I hear my parents mention dreamies or cycling..
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Whenever my parents see me play they yell at me that it's a "baby game" and call me lazy. ;-; My mom's tried playing Wild World before, and that didn't work out well.
D'aww, that's not nice of your parents. It's not a baby game, but I guess you wouldn't know until you tried it. I can imagine it looks childish to people who don't know what it is.

My dad would never play something like this. My mom, I could see her enjoying it for a day or so before returning to her online Tetris.. She's a hardcore Tetris addict.
My mom does yeah. I got her Wild World and a ds lite as a birthday present years ago, since she always asked about the games I play and such. After Wild World she was hooked, she plays animal crossing more than I do. She's on it every night after she comes home from work. She says the game helps her relax and unwind, and that it was one of the best things I've ever bought her.
She was excited for New Leaf since she had been playing Wild World for a few years and was getting bored. So I bought her a 3ds and a copy of New leaf as an early birthday present kind of thing. She loves New Leaf and plays it every moment she gets ^-^
I've gotta say, as a heavy gamer (since 1997) it makes me happy to see my mom enjoy a part of my world.
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on the GC version my dad, and brothers all played it
WW onwards me and my mum..
Im constantly getting dreamies for my mum lol
My Mom had a memory card with her own town on the original GC game and used to play with me and my brother. She also played the original Pokemon with us too and had her own pink GBC haha.
She also had copies of WW and CF but didn't play them as much as the first.
Now that I live overseas from her I really want to get her a copy of NL so we can play together, but neither of us has enough extra cash to buy a 3ds for one game LOL.

I have a kid myself and it's pretty sad to read how un-understanding and even mean some posters' parents are in regards to this game. Wow. AC is a game I would be happy for my kid to play at any age! Nobody should be made to feel bad or guilty for having innocent fun :(
What an interesting thread! I am a parent who started it all in my house with CL and GC games. My boys wanted me to get a DS for so long, but I resisted b/c I knew I'd spend too much time on it. I started NL in one son's town and WW in the other, now I have my own and it does make it more fun to visit. I'd much rather they were building relationships and planning towns than blowing up people and spreading plagues like they do with their friends online.
My mom sometimes watches me and my sister play ACNL, but that's about it lol. She also tends to laugh a lot when listening to DJ K.K. sing lol :D
My parents are dead, so not that I'm aware of. I, on the other hand, will turn the BIG 5 - 0 in less than a week and I LOVE playing ACNL. Nobody else in my family plays. So sad for them. They are missing out.