do your parents play acnl?

My mom does not play ACNL. Although she plays retro games from her childhood,like PacMan, Super Mario brothers,Crash Bandicoot, etc. She wants to play Mario Kart even though we don't have a Wii. Lol.
... You just made me feel so... old...
I know PacMan is an older game... but man... those are the games of when I was a kid and played...
I'm only 23. TT^TT
-was just talking about playing mario kart on my N64 last night-
My mom loved playing Mario Kart with my brother and I. =3
My dad finds anything video game related to be the height of pointlessness -.- So he definitely wouldn't even try. And I don't think my mom would be able to stop playing Candy Crush on her iPad long enough to give Animal Crossing a shot. She would probably like it though, pretty sure I inherited my love of useless tasks from her c:
The only games my dad likes to play are CoD, GTA...etc.
My mom thinks ac is a baby game and constantly makes fun of me for playing it, lol.
I've been trying to get them to play so I could use their towns...I mean, so I can play with them (':