Do you like rain?


Jun 11, 2015
I'm sick of all the political threads, like Trump is president why do we still need to discuss it, yeah he is bad, but it's time to move on and accept it. Nothing good will come out of dwelling in the past and looking at all the statistics or whatever, there's nothing we can do to turn back the time, might as well move forward.

Anyways, it's been raining a lot in California recently (at least where I live) and I wanted to gather some opinions on rain itself.

Do you like rain, or do you hate it?

I personally hate rain, it has always been linked to bad things. I couldn't play in the playground if it were raining, slides, the "funnest" part about playground are now disgusting to slide down. Continuing on, you can't go anywhere without an umbrella, extra luggage, it makes people want to stay inside instead of going out, it makes traffic way worse, I dread having to go outside, it makes me cringe when water gets inside my shoe, the back of my pants are always wet, the wind always blows my umbrella inside out, everything is wet, it's cold, it's harder for me to get to ballet, as tights are so gross when they're wet, I can't use outdoor restrooms easily, no one can walk their dog so I don't see any cute dogs, it's harder to drive, walking home is the worst, getting into cars is the worst, and umbrellas barely cover anything except your head. Must I go on?

Anyways, I wanted to hear your opinions about rain. :)
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(If you don't want something talked about you probably shouldn't mention it)

Rain is alright when you can just stay indoors and listen to it but I don't like having to be in it. With my hair it's a no no.
I like the rain.

It rained on inauguration day here, which was funny, it was like a sign of things to come.
Rain is alright, when I'm not outside. I live on a hill and sometimes if it rains so hard on a Sunday, my neighbors' trash cans get knocked and go washed all the way down to the bottom of the street. Hilarious watching people run after it. (my family has lived on this street for nearly 3 decades so we know better than to put the bins out on a rainy Sunday night)

Rain means hot chocolate :)
Rain is like my most favorite type of weather ever. It calms me in so many different ways. I love the sound, the smell, the temp., and just watching it is amazing. I'm probably weird to say this, but I've fallen in love with rain.
I like storms (as long as they aren't destructive) when I know that I don't have anything I need to do and I can just snuggle up. However, I can't enjoy thunder storms as much anymore because I know how distraught they make my dog.

I think storms are beautiful if you isolate the storm itself from the effects it may have. Forces of nature like that leave me in awe.
It's fine, I'm in California too and yeah, a lot of storms right now. I just hope it doesn't rain too much because swim season is starting next week :/
I love rain. We don't get very much where I live, and when we do it mostly only comes during late spring or summer when it's otherwise really hot and dry out, so I always enjoy it. Whenever it rains while I'm at home I keep my window open a bit and the sound and smell of it make me sleepy so I usually wind up taking a nap, but if it's accompanied by lightning I always try to watch.
I hate rain. The overcast sky always gives me a headache and there aren't any good shoes or clothes to wear in the rain unless you want to wear rain boots and a raincoat ;w;
i love rain because it smells so good outside after and there's something about a rainy day that makes me feel cozy
I love the rain, always have. I like the smell, I like jumping in puddles, the sound is relaxing and it just makes me happy!
I do as long as there's no thunder which keeps me up at night. Rain can actually put me to sleep if it's not thundering.
I live in California too! I LOVE rain, when I hear it, I literally take an umbrella outside and just watch it. I only use an umbrella if it's POURING like crazy. I love rain, we drink hot cocoa, get all cuddly and huddly, wear pajamas watch movies, and play AC:NL all day.
I like the rain as much as I like Trump.
I love rain, storm, wind, cold, snow, it matches my mood I guess. I dislike too much sun, it gives me headache and nausea. I usually avoid going outside in the afternoon on sunny days.