
• Work... I barely have any time in the day except for the weekends.
• Pocket camp... I was so excited that it released in Australia first so I played it so much. Now I’m addicted.
• Repetitivity... I restarted my town because I completed my catalog, encyclopaedia, museum and etc. Now it’s boring.
• Hackers... ACNL is now an easy game to hack, and I’ve been visited by hackers. I’ve had bad experiences.
• Lack of Updates... Ever since Welcome Amiibo, there hasn’t been any updates for ACNL and no more DLC. I don’t see the point of the game right now.

There’s more, but I can’t seem to remember or put it into words.
Mostly when a new game came out which interests me more or when I just have no time to play.
Sometimes, I also don't play when I don't feel like it or when I need some time to think about what
I should do next.