Dirty secrets. Come confess. [ Secrets of all kinds ]

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(I'm thinking of a secret just to bump this up because I like it. xD)

When I was in school people would ask me if I had any pencils or gum, I said no, but I totally did. Hmm a better one.... I'm afraid of the dark, I have used a night light for years. Only recently have I stopped using it, but my room still has some light from all my electronics.
Secrets, hm? ...Well, I guess there's that one fanfic idea I had a while back...
Nah, just kidding. Uh... I guess that I'm secretly kind of sadistic? Well, it's not a secret to friends, but, most people who only know me a little don't seem to have a clue about it.
(I'm thinking of a secret just to bump this up because I like it. xD


When I was in daycare, I fell in love with this little penguin figurine. So I stole it. I'm pretty sure I even still have it in my room somewhere. I'm not exactly sure why I kept it, but I did. We moved three times and it's not lost.

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Hmm, I stole a beer once, tried to hit the cap off and got sprayed by the beer, then I hosed myself off with soap and water from a garden hose. Like a month later at a festival my coat started to foam. :D
I'm 16 and never been kissed or dated or anything, whereas I look around and people are dating irl and all that .-. It's awkward c;

I'm scared of the dark, big time. .-.

I have sleeping problems

Also I don't like chocolate.
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I once passed out it an butchers shop, even though I'm not vegetarian, and love bacon and chicken and stuff, I was actually sick, but nobody believed me and called me a hypocrite for eating meat XD
I'm also scared of hamsters because I had a dream where somebody hired a guy to kill me, and it turned out to be a hamster.
Every afternoon I take a shower. The next morning, I wash my hair in the sink.

This is me. *cough*noshame*cough* Also with a fringe and when your hair has the genetics of greasy hair *itneverlooksgreasyIpromise* it's kinda needed.

- - - Post Merge - - -

Also I don't like crisps (Ithinktheyarechipsinamericanotsure). Glorified bloody chips/fries.
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I love you too. :p

I'm afraid of guys in real life and on the internet, but not as much on the internet. I'm also afraid if I tell people where I live they will try to google it. I'm extremely paranoid. xD
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You are more afraid of guys in real life, than the faceless guys of the internet? Ok...

I also don't see how someone can Google your location.
Haha coffee gets it. xD

I'm just paranoid is all. It's actually reassuring when you say that. xD
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You are more afraid of guys in real life, than the faceless guys of the internet? Ok...

I also don't see how someone can Google your location.

I know exactly what she means, i'm paranoid also, like when I tell people where I live (not postcode or anything, just the little village I live in - also happens rarely) makes me wonder if they are going to go look on google maps or google earth or something xD

Also, i'm paranoid of people in general in real life also xD
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My greatest and hated fear is being hated.
It will literally drive me crazy if someone hates me and I don't know why.
Of course, I'm being a hypocrite because I hate many people :/
I probably have the most polarizing music taste of any person you may know...I enjoy the Grateful Dead, The Allman Brothers Band, Jefferson Airplane, Tame Impala, MGMT, Yes, ABBA, Cream, The Eagles, Kansas, Led Zeppelin, just as much as I enjoy Gamma Ray, Helloween, Septic Flesh, Kreator, Iced Earth, Jag Panzer, Behemoth, GWAR, Crystal Viper, DragonForce, Manilla Road, Anthrax, Grave Digger, Slayer, Skeletonwitch, not to mention a healthy dose of Depeche Mode, The Clash, Blondie, Skinny Puppy, Nine Inch Nails, Owl City, My Bloody Valentine, Lush, The Gathering, The Sisters of Mercy, M83, Mew, Eurythmics, Boards of Canada, The Orb, Cruachan, Combichrist, etc.

Literally, everything from jazz to blues rock, from psychedelic rock to punk, from power metal to death metal, from down-tempo and trip-hop to industrial and ebm, from the occasional pop listen to some great classical stuff....there's not much I do truly hate and not much I don't appreciate on some level(..the exception being Nickleback...UCCCCH!!!! >.< ['know how everyone has that ONE band they can't stand?! this is mine]). Anyways, by now, this is probably obvious lol.
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