Dating Animal Crossing Villagers


Ask me about my heresy
Jan 18, 2014
Small Mailbox
I got inspired by the Dreamie Couples thread back in the New Leaf discussion area to come up with my own mechanic. Suppose there was something in the game that not only allowed you to display romantic interest in other villagers (and vice versa, a villager having a crush on you), but also had the possibility of your character entering in a relationship with one of your villagers. No, you're not going to get any bedroom action, but your romantic relationship with the character can evolve into something very deep and meaningful. Got the basic idea?'s a few questions. Should this become an option:

What effect would it have on gameplay and your village?

What villager do you think you would date, and why?

What villager do you think would most likely have a crush on you?

As for me, I think mechanics wise, in addition to the villager giving out more flirty/romantic dialogue to you (the maturity of which would depend on the type of villager, for example a Peppy villager would probably flirt with you like a schoolgirl and give you cute nicknames, a Snooty villager would be very elegant about the whole thing, a Grumpy villager would most likely be very awkward in romance but nonetheless means well, ect), will also be more likely to give gifts to you, occasionally containing rare items you can't get in the stores. The villager I would probably most likely date is Punchy, because he's the Lazy villager in my town (I find that personality really cute) and he's very friendly towards me, especially when I crossdress ingame. Meanwhile, I think if anyone has a crush on me, it's probably Pippy, but only because she has sent me at least one or two notes trying to get me to "play" with her.

I await the responses.
I LOVE this idea, although I guess the idea of incorporating relationships into such an innocent game for primarily children doesn't sound fantastic. It sounds too… adult. I guess. However I would LOVE the mechanic.

What effect would it have on gameplay and your village? Not really a lot. I talk to my villagers daily and I'd continue to do so if there was this feature. I'd probably spend more time writing letters and stuff, and I'd probably never TT in case I TT'd my boyfriend out :| I'd also try and play more often.

What villager do you think you would date, and why? Kid Cat. He's silly, funny and cute and my most favourite villager ever. I actually wish the mechanic existed because it'd be perfect! I swear he has a crush on me (question 3) anyway… I have like 4 of his pictures.
I LOVE this idea, although I guess the idea of incorporating relationships into such an innocent game for primarily children doesn't sound fantastic. It sounds too… adult. I guess. However I would LOVE the mechanic.

Well to be fair, this game also has villagers that want to move to another town to participate in gang wars, but I get what you mean. It would be hard to have relationships as a mechanic without it being inappropriate for children. But I guess it wouldn't get too bad as long as characters don't give any innuendo or whatever. Might still bump up the rating to E 10+, but the relationships would still be fairly innocent and not overly involved.
Depends, would same-sex villager couples be allowed? Because Ed and Clyde were both crazy gay for each other. Ed also had a crush on me, but I didn't mind it. XD
Well to be fair, this game also has villagers that want to move to another town to participate in gang wars, but I get what you mean.

lol :D when cherry said this to me once i seriously put down my 3ds for a while and stared at the wall because i thought, "this can't be real life."

i think the idea is interesting but i agree with beffa. also keep in mind, if there's relationships, there's also break-ups and i don't know if i would pick up this game ever again if my favorite villager didn't leave town, but me and stuck around for months.

i'd probably date kabuki or avery. they make me laugh.
Depends, would same-sex villager couples be allowed? Because Ed and Clyde were both crazy gay for each other. Ed also had a crush on me, but I didn't mind it. XD

Well DUH, otherwise I wouldn't be dating Punchy :3

lol :D when cherry said this to me once i seriously put down my 3ds for a while and stared at the wall because i thought, "this can't be real life."

i think the idea is interesting but i agree with beffa. also keep in mind, if there's relationships, there's also break-ups and i don't know if i would pick up this game ever again if my favorite villager didn't leave town, but me and stuck around for months.

Yeah, I love how they have those little nuggets of slightly more mature humor. I mean, granted it's softened by the fact that they think a "turf war" is people flinging turf at each other, but still.

Ah yeah...breakups. I hadn't thought about that, actually. To be honest I have no idea how that mechanic would work. Maybe this whole dating thing isn't as great of an idea after all. Still, it's fun to think about :3
Honestly, I more like the idea of playing matchmaker for my villagers rather than being with them. I feel like Penelope and Hamlet would be adorable together (I mean, Hamlet just gave Penelope his shirt the other day.) But if I could date one of my villagers? Isabelle all the way. She's too freaking adorable <3
Honestly, I more like the idea of playing matchmaker for my villagers rather than being with them. I feel like Penelope and Hamlet would be adorable together (I mean, Hamlet just gave Penelope his shirt the other day.) But if I could date one of my villagers? Isabelle all the way. She's too freaking adorable <3

I hope Penelope dies old and alone. All she ever does is ping me for fruit.
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If the villagers could be in relationships and you could help them out, sort of oversee it and give advice and such, I would totally love it. Like if Wolfgang wanted to date Whitney and he asked me to take him to Main Street to pick out the perfect gift. c:
Honestly, I more like the idea of playing matchmaker for my villagers rather than being with them. I feel like Penelope and Hamlet would be adorable together (I mean, Hamlet just gave Penelope his shirt the other day.) But if I could date one of my villagers? Isabelle all the way. She's too freaking adorable <3

I think dating Isabelle is kinda cheating in this context. I mean, she IS your secretary after all. Isn't it like, bad form to date your coworkers? Though who knows, maybe society doesn't work that way on that particular world...
If the villagers could be in relationships and you could help them out, sort of oversee it and give advice and such, I would totally love it. Like if Wolfgang wanted to date Whitney and he asked me to take him to Main Street to pick out the perfect gift. c:

Eeeek! I would love something like this. I'm more interested in shipping the villagers than me myself "dating" one but I wouldn't mind the aspect one bit.

But if you like break up or something would the villager avoid you for a few weeks?
What if the villager moves away before you break-up?
Could you go on "dates" with the villager?
Would you be able to have long distance relationships? If that happened...could they come back without doing the 16 villager cycle?
What if Biskit isn't sending me enough chocolate...or I catch him flirting with Lolly? :mad:
What if we're married and he has an affair? :eek:
What if he's secretly gay and didn't tell me?

Lol I think it would add waaaaaay too much drama for me, and it still is kind of a "children's" game. But you never know, maybe someday we'd be able too. It'd be pretty cool :)
But if you like break up or something would the villager avoid you for a few weeks?
What if the villager moves away before you break-up?
Could you go on "dates" with the villager?
Would you be able to have long distance relationships? If that happened...could they come back without doing the 16 villager cycle?
What if Biskit isn't sending me enough chocolate...or I catch him flirting with Lolly? :mad:
What if we're married and he has an affair? :eek:
What if he's secretly gay and didn't tell me?

Lol I think it would add waaaaaay too much drama for me, and it still is kind of a "children's" game. But you never know, maybe someday we'd be able too. It'd be pretty cool :)

Well, the way I see it, breakups wouldn't happen unless it was a mutual agreement between the two of you, or if the villager you were dating moves away. How the animal handles the breakup for the time being would probably depend on their personality, the Peppy villagers would probably be all overreactionary about it, the Smug villagers might try to pull a whole "fedora'd nice guy finishing last" parter, Normal and Uchi villagers would most likely be calm and understanding, Lazy villagers would be really sensitive and might cry a bit, and so it goes. But any hard feelings wouldn't last longer than a day or so.

As for catching Biskit flirting with Loli, I think the best course of action is to invite her for a thre- ...uh...I mean, smack her in the head with with a net a few times for good measure! Yeah, that's what I meant.
Interesting. I hope they do add a dating supplement to the game I'd be soo interested to see all the villagers' reactions for everything and see if they're suitable for me or not. I would probably date everybody...then take my pick for a "permanent partner."

Lol ugh not Lolly she's too cute to....well anything really. Even to smack. I'd let it slide a time or two...then smack her.
Exactly! This town seems to be more or less separate from the US government, who says polygamy isn't in order?

Oh wait, not all at once. Well, that works too and is probably a good bit more realistic. Do some ingame speed dating! Huh, now I'm wondering how it goes if you date a character from another town, or if a villager from your town has a crush on a villager from another town. Maybe they might have requests for you to deliver presents to him or her? Love letters?

As for Lolly, you could just decide to "ship her off" to another town should she intrude on your man. Nobody would even know, and you could have Biscuit all to yourself~
Lol no not all at once. I don't want to start a fight at like our only town store and start a scandal that the mayor not only dates animals....but she dates all the animals in her town :eek: I think that would be cute to do too :) kind of like petitions. I'd really want to read the letters though.

Aww poor Lolly I couldn't do that to her...but I may threaten to push her off that cliff she lives so close to.
Well, I suppose it wouldn't be an issue if you got the option to turn your town into a self reliant utopia where everything is held in common, even boyfriends and girlfriends. But we have as much of a chance of THAT happening as we do of Quentin Tarantino making a movie that isn't overly violent, so it can only be a "what if" scenario...

Reading their letters? I'm unfortunately too much of a goody two shoes to do that, I'd feel horrible if I violated their privacy.

Anywho, Imma go to bed. Hopefully this thread's still activeish in the morning.

well i dont wanna say rosie because she annoys me after about 3 conversations
i don't have lolly so don't know
ankha is just undateable
tangy orange

screw it i'm going with bob

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ps olivia is not my type
You're NOT dating Tangy? B-but just look at her! That cute little shirt, her inherent peppiness, great coloration, she's perfect waifu material. Date the girl already.