Selling Dango Island Cleanup: Items/DIYS/FOSSILS, CHERRY, and CRAFTING SERVICES for Sale!! LF: IGB (MAINLY), TBT, and NMT!


Konomi of Dango Island
Apr 17, 2020
Pear (Fruit)
100% (68) +
Hello! My name is Konomi and I have finally started the strenuous process of decorating my island. I intend on opening up an event called Dango University by May 30th but am in dire need of IGB to fund the process (if you're interested in applying, let me know! It's free and I just want to bring something fun to the community)! That being said, I figured to list some items for sale to help fund my idea! I am mainly looking for IGB. NMT, and TBT to try to get many items that I need for the island and to afford the homes I will have to build.

I will be at my newly made market area with my younger brother and together, we will be managing the sales going on today. He will be holding the items whereas I will be collecting the funds. You will notice that there is a "pickup" and "drop off area." Simply go to the drop off area to drop off your payment and my brother will be giving you the items at the pickup area. There are stalls designated for specific item types (i.e. Museum stall for fossils, leaf stall for furniture, etc.). I want the sales to go smoothly so I will only be accepting a couple of people at a time and will be DMIng you the dodo code! There is also an above area after the stalls that has various items for a "take one, leave one" section. Please leave items relating to the type of item taken (ex. DIY for DIY, fossil for fossil). To make sure that you have read this, please type in "Dango University" anywhere in your response.

The stall area is located right after the bridge on the right upon entering the island (please reference your maps)! For all items listed, I will be mainly looking for any offers as I am still unsure of the value of some items. I will also be offering my crafting services; If you are interested in these, please make sure to make note of these in your post as there is a specified area for this! I just ask that you please provide the materials and any tips for this are much appreciated!

PLEASE do not wander around my island and run through my flowers. I'm looking to get as many items gone as soon as possible so many people can come and the island can finally be finished. Thank you very much for reading and I hope you will come visit! Below is the complete list!

CURRENT VILLAGER IN BOXES: Cherry! (On Little Brother's Island)

Scattered Papers
Golden Arowana Model
Stone Lion-Dog
Flat Garden Rock
Cutting Board
Shell Arch
Grass Standee
Jungle Flooring
Classic Library Wall
Natural Garden Chair
Bunny Day Bag
Garden Wagon x2
Green-Leaf Pile
Pine Bonsai tree
Bunny day crown X2
Sauna Heater
Wooden-block stool
Tiki Torch
Log chair
Sauna heater
Wooden low table
Fancy mum wreath
Shell bed
Steamer-basket set
Coconut juice
Peach wall
Pan flute

golden watering can
fish bait
pan flute
pitfall seed
tiki torch
tree branch wreath
log bench
log round table
log stool
log garden lounge
log chair
log wall-mounted clock
log stakes
natural garden chair
natural garden table
grass standee
tea table
garden wagon
music stand
butter churn
angled signpost
cutting board
old-fashioned washtub
wooden-plank sign
timber doorplate
tire toy
tire stack
unglazed dish set
raccoon figurine
mossy garden rock
tall garden rock
stone arch
sauna heater
zen-style stone
stone-lion dog
fossil doorplate
iron worktable
iron closet
frying pan
kettle bathtub
iron wall lamp
iron wand
knight's helmet
ironwood chair
ironwood dresser
ironwood table
ironwood low table
ironwood bed
ironwood cupboard
ironwood kitchenette
ironwood DIY workbench
garden bench
ironwood clock
golden dishes
golden candlestick
golden seat
golden casket
lucky gold cat
golden gears
golden arowana model
golden helmet
gold armor
hay bed
floral swag
potted ivy
woodland wall
jungle flooring
leaf umbrella
orange rug
orange umbrella
cherry lamp
cherry dress
peach chair
peach surprise box
peach wall
peach dress
pear wardrobe
pear bed
pear rug
apple chair
coconut juice
infused-water dispenser
stack of books
tiny library
classic-library wall
manga library wall
document stack
scattered papers
cardboard sofa
cardboard table
cardboard bed
giant teddy bear
nova light
crescent moon chair
astronaut suit
space shuttle
flying saucer
sci-fi wall
lunar surface
star wand
aries rocking chair
taurus bathtub
bamboo stool
bamboo bench
bamboo sphere
bamboo doll
green-leaf pile
bamboo noodle slide
steamer-basket set
bamboo shoot lamp
bamboo-grove wall
light bamboo rug
basket pack
bamboo wand
cherry-blossom petal pile
blossom viewing lantern
cherry blossom pochette
shell table
shell bed
shell partition
shell arch
shell wreath
pine bonsai tree
acorn pochette
windflower fan
tulip surprise box
pansy table
hyacinth lamp
lily record player
fancy mum wreath
rose wreath
cool hyacinth wreath
dark lily wreath
rose crown
tulip wand

Cupcakes x42
Birthday sign
Birthday candles
Red Birthday Cake

Star Fragments x16
Sagittarius Fragments x2
Taurus Fragments x4
Large Star Fragments x3

Red, Green, and Black Throwback Race Car Bed
Red Graduation Gown
Botanical Tile Wall

Ankylo Skull x2
Ankylo Tail
Archelon Tail
Brachio Pelvis
Brachio Skull
Brachio Tail
Coprolite x2
Deinony Tail
Deinony Torso
Dimetrodon Skull x3
Dimetrodon Torso x2
Dinosaur Track x2
Diplo Chest
Diplo Neck x2
Diplo Pelvis
Diplo Skull
Diplo Tail x2
Diplo Tail TIp
Iguanodon Skull x2
Iguanodon Torso
Left Megalo Side
Mammoth Skull x3
Mammoth Torso x3
Megacero Tail
Megacero Torso
Myllokunmingia x2
Parasaur Tail
Parasaur Torso x2
Plesio Skull
Plesio Tail
Ptera body
RIght Ptera Wing
Right Quetzal Wing
Sabertooth Skull x2
Shark-Tooth Pattern
Spino Tail x2
Stego Skull
Stego Torso
T. Rex Skull
Tricera Skull
Tricera Torso

I will also be selling 50NMT and will be using the conversion ratio of 250,000 IGB = 1 NMT.
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