could someone explain TBT to me?


always down 2 clown
Nov 5, 2017
in super simple terms lmao
does it refer to the bells you get from posting? and what's its value compared to IGB?
thank you <33
yes, it does

TBT to IGB depends on the person
i've seen it go for 100.000 IGB = 1 TBT
i've seen it go for 200.000 IGB = 1 TBT
but i've seen this guy do it for 250.000 IGB per 1 TBT

varies on the person you're making a deal with
but i think the most excepted is 200.000 IGB for 1 TBT

and you indeed get TBT from posting, and the amount is linked to the amount of characters used ( i think )
oh nice, thank you for explaining!! that makes sense :)
(this might be really obvious but) how would I go about giving TBT to someone else?
scrol al the way up, you'll see a brown bar in the middle of your screen.
in this bar you'll see a little to the right from the middle, you'll see ''currency'' with a little arrow/triangle.

click on that, click on the number your bells are at.
you'll see ''to account - Change'' and you click on change, fill in the name of the person you want to give bells to ( wright down the exact name of this person, or it might go to someone with a similar name )

fill in the amount you want to give, an press the submit button.

viola, you just transferred TBT ^^
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