(Closed) The Official Looking for/Trading/Buying Thread

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Still looking for Pietro! I need him ASAP, I can't move on to the next day in my game until then ;-;
Still looking for Joey to be my town's lazy :')

another option:
> Walker/ Biskit
> Erik
> Stitches

Joey is still the #1 priority but tell me if you have one of em :')
Hello folks~

last time i had her was back to GC days - she was one of my orginal villagers and i still love her to death! Everytime a new Animal Crossing released i hoped she will be one of my starters again. But i never got her on the DS, Wii or the 3DS version. 2 weeks back i decided to delete my 3DS town after 3 years of playing and now i think i go the way searching for my all time favourite villager. So last time i had her was 12 years ago:/ its a pure nostalgic feeling gor me. Problem is, how i said, i deleted my old town and i'm not running any money at the moment. It were great if it would be a giveaway, but is there no way i try to get enough bells for her:)

(this might be the right spot:D)
Searching for original Flora, Clay, Marina, Zucker, or Sterling.
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Looking for Francine, Tiffany, or Scoot! Prefer to get them for free but can use TBT as well (pretty much name your price as long as it's an amount I actually have, really you could take all of it I don't use it all that often)
It's been a while since I've been on the forums, and I've recently lost one of my dreamies by accident, and now my town's in need of a snooty villager!

I'm hoping to get Naomi, but while I've got a spare place, I may as well open up for one of my other dreamies just in case I can't find her!

So if you've got Naomi the snooty cow, Kyle the smug wolf, or Chester the lazy cub, I'd be happy to trade bells and/or perfect peaches! I've also got a bit of leftover mushroom furniture! We can work out a deal you think is fair!

Thanks for your time!
looking for skye, julian, rosie, lobo, and pashmina!
i can offer lolly, tangy or tbt!
Still looking for Chevre, Blanche or Merengue! Can offer IGB, rare items, whatever TBT I have or Nate the lazy bear or Willow the snooty sheep!
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