(Closed) The Looking For Thread (New Horizons Edition)

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I am currently seeking to home the following on my island:

-Daisy ( Have an offer for her, just waiting. :D )

I would hope to get them cheap or free, as most of them are villagers that people generally just void out.

Please do not offer me a villager of you have taught them any inapproprite catchohrases, sent rude letters, or have given them inappropriate clothing. My children visit my island and do not need to see any of that. Thanks! :)
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shot in the dark but after burning through a huge stack of NMT, i’m looking for Bruce or any of the cranky wolves :,(

ok lol as soon as i posted this i found Fang so YEEHAW
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Looking for Raymond as original as possible. I have an open plot on my island and can trade you NMT’s or let me know what you are looking for.
still looking for ungifted admiral and baabara ! please help me achieve dreamie goals 💪🏻

can offer tbt, IGB or NMT and endless appreciation and adoration 😜
Looking for Raymond as original as possible. I have an open plot on my island and can trade you NMT’s or let me know what you are looking for.
Anybody wanna put me out of my mystery island hopping miseryo_O I‘ve used 406 nook miles tickets so far......send help:cry:
looking for any of the following villagers ^-^
Eunice, Ken, Kidd, Lucky, Mallary, Mathilda, Muffy, Nan, Roscoe, Sylvia, Tasha, Weber.
Can offer tons of pumpkins or forum bells <3
Hello! If you're still looking for ken I have him in boxes today. Can TT backwards if you need more time. Let me know :)
just got scammed on nookazon out of 45NMT trying to get Lolly, so I don't have much left NMT wise, but... I'm looking for Lolly, Wolfgang, or any of the dreamies listed in my signature really. Thanks!

Edit: Lolly has been obtained 😊
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I'm still looking for Kitt if anyone has her. I keep missing the rare chance she pops up. >_>
Okay, I know I've posted this multiple times, but I got an open plot just now and I've come to ask yet again-- does anyone have Mott moving out?? I'm willing to pay just about anything under 100,000 bells!! please dm me over here, Nookazon (same username), or text me at cactussnail@gmail.com!!!
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