Selling [CLOSED] Lots of adoptable villagers incl. WA

Hi, can I get Julia? I'll check how many bells I have...I'm sure I can give 150K

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I can give you 200k. I also have another villager I'm interested in for an additional 200k
Ok, on my way

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Thank you for Julia, I will take care of her. I switched to Sylvana because I have two jocks already. Thank you again!
Closing for now! I'm from Sydney so it's almost 4am here, I'm not usually up around this hour for future references for anyone interested in adopting 8'D

will open up again later!
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Hi! :)

If possible I would love to adopt Carmen.
I would like to give you 400.000 Bells for her.

Could I pick her up in about 1 hour from now?

Thank you so much for doing this for everyone!
Sure! I'll get her ready for you :> just poke me in an hour when you're ready to pick her up~
Is 400k enough for Merengue, do you think? I'd love to get my hands on her but I really don't know anything about selling villagers :^0
Oh gosh I'm so sorry for the late response, I thought I put the title as CLOSED but I clearly didn't @_@ anyway 400k for Merengue is fine with me! Tell me when you're avaliable to pick her up :D I'll be up for a bit longer (hour or less)
Sure thing! I'll get him into boxes if you'll be available for the next couple of minutes!