Shop ✻ Catalog Island - ALL Furniture, Flooring, Rugs, & Wallpaper! ✻ {Lowered Prices}

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  1. TBT Bells
Island Name - Bellview
IGN - Marie
Catalog -
Entire Island
Payment - 200 BTB
Questions/Comments -
Would you be available Saturday or Sunday later this week for me to come by and catalog?
Island Name - Seoul
IGN - Eugenia
Catalog -
Entire Island
Payment - 200 TBT
Questions/Comments - Thank you!
Hi! Your profile is private so I can’t send you a message. If you could send me a message letting me know when you’re available then we can go from there 😊
Island Name - Twinleaf
IGN - Violet
Catalog -
post 2.0, all wallpapers and floors
Payment - ?

Hey! I’d love to come cataloguing once more. I’d like to catalogue everything post 2.0 update please. Is it possible to also catalogue the pre 2.0 wallpapers and floors (not the other items)? If so, how much would the total be?
Island Name - Longwood
IGN - Josh
Catalog - Entire Island
Payment - 200 TBT
Questions/Comments - Are you available on weekends, and how long does it take to catalog the whole island?
Island Name - Palplace
IGN - Dawn
Catalog - 2.0 update items
Payment - 125 TBT
Questions/Comments - do you know anyone that sells 2.0 DIY's? :)
Island Name - Phyre
IGN - Saah
Catalog - Entire Island
Payment - 200 TBT
Questions/Comments - How long does it usually take to catalog everything?
Island Name - Nooktopia
IGN - Sarah (for my wife’s switch)
Catalog - Entire Island
Payment - 200 TBT
Questions/Comments - average time to catalog entire island? Availability today: next 3 hours, PM me if needs to be scheduled another day. Thank you! :)
Island Name - Ivory
IGN - Lucia
Catalog - Entire Island
Payment - 200 TBT
Questions/Comments: about how long does it usually take? I know for sure I'll have to schedule a day around my shifts and would prefer a one on one just to prevent any net slips
Island Name - Elwin
IGN - Elias
Catalog - 2.0 items only
Payment - 125 TBT
Questions/Comments: Curious about how long it takes once on the island
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