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Book suggestions???

Nov 10, 2016
I don't personally read a whole bunch but my friend does and they need some suggestions on what to read. Help a brotha out✌️

They like American history
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I suggest the hitchhiker's guide to the galaxy series. Or the fisherman's children series. Or the wheel of time series. Or the ender's game series. Or the house of the scorpion series. Or the septimus heap series. Or the artemis fowl series. Or the gregor the overlander series. Or the city of ember series. I've read all of these by the way and some of them are too ****ing long but really good

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I also suggest "me and earl and the dying girl". Myabe the warrior cats books if you like that kind of **** but it never appealed to me
I don't really read fiction books. so my recommendation is non-fiction . "How to win friends and influence people" by Dale Carnegie is my favorite book of all time
Idk what kind of books your your friend likes but I found Six of Crows by Leigh Bardugo pretty good. And it has a sequel. And I guess they are making it a movie? Maybe not maybe I'm thinking of something else anyway I liked it well enough
My Sister Lives on the Mantlepiece is a good book (it's upsetting, though). I'm not sure what your friend is into, which is why I can't really suggest much. There's another book I read called The Bunker Diary, you need a tough skin for it but it's a good read and very chilling, and another that I can't remember the name of but I'll find out. Room is also a good book.

The Year of the Rat, A Monster Calls and The Savage (more of pieces of art than books, but stunning), The Curious Incident of the Dog In the Nighttime, Goodnight Mister Tom, The Book Thief and The Weight of Water are also amazing.

EDIT: FOUND IT. It's called The Shock of The Fall. Can't believe I just spend 30 minutes writing down book titles for someone who might never even read them.

I don't know how old your friend is either, but they're all teen/young adult appropriate, but adults can enjoy them too.
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A Song of Ice and Fire but be warned, the author will probably die before he finishes the series. Very lengthy and sometimes dry but a very rewarding read.
The Samurais Garden is a pretty good one :D. Some parts are for older people so I would rate it for people teenagers and over.
I have a few recommendations :)

- All the Light we cannot see
- The Kite Runner
- A Thousand Splendid Suns
- The Alchemist

All excellent books!
Ender's Game series maybe? Depends on your taste but some of the Stephen King books are amazing, some of my favorites include Cujo, Duma Key, The Girl Who Loved Tom Gordon, The Mist, It, etc.
I recommend The Raven Cycle by Maggie Stiefvater. Four books, first being The Raven Boys. Takes place in Virginia, US.

It involves a rich kid with an obsession with a dead Welsh king, a scholarship student who works three jobs to go to the same prestigious school as the others, a rich punk with an ugly pet bird named Chainsaw, a kid who swears he died seven years ago, and a girl who lives in a house full of psychics.
For a challenge: Les Miserables by Victor Hugo :) Not for a casual reader, but for anyone who wants to read a beautiful and complex brick of a book, this is the one.

For the 80's nerd/gamer: Ready Player One by Ernest Cline. An action adventure that is exciting and incredible with world building. Let my boyfriend read it (and he hates reading) and he actually loved it and it's now his favourite book!