Blue roses?

You'll need to breed Purple + Orange to get Special Red roses. Please note that these roses look identical to the normal red roses.

Then breed these Special Red roses together to get Blue roses.

Cool, if that worked for you I'll switch! I've got loads of purple so I'll surround the orange ones and hope my townies stay away!!

I definitely do the selective watering, but it still is random which flowers breed. Red carnations reproduce like crazy, black lilies appeared without me doing anything. But those roses......
I'm trying to make the Dutch flag, so I need blue roses aswell. Seems like I've got a lot of work to do.
I also need to remind myself to be patient -- stuff happens so much faster in New Leaf that I forget how long I worked for some of the hybrids and things in the previous games. I think it took me a year of work in City Folk to get my blue roses and I only got a few.