• Thanks for playing! The closing ceremony for TBT World Championship 2024 has been posted. Congratulations to the winning team, Squirtle Squad! Update: The Master Ball raffle winners have now been announced and rewards have been distributed. Time to spend your Arcade Tokens!

Anyone who plays Minecraft?

I have the Xbox 360 version but I have to play it on my brother's account as I have no Xbox Live on my account. I'll get the demo PC version if you want to connect.
I forgot to mention in my last post that I also have a Bukkit Server also; it's still in development. Once the first town is finished I might consider inviting some trusted Members on TBT. I'm yet to portforward so it's Hamachi until I decide to have it open to the public.
I have the Xbox 360 version but I have to play it on my brother's account as I have no Xbox Live on my account. I'll get the demo PC version if you want to connect.

It wont work. I asked why my demo (downloaded) didn't work, they said that it didnt work for nonpremiums.

Theres a demo for the browser though.

I wish I had a better laptop; my current one runs it all slow and cruddy.
I forgot to mention in my last post that I also have a Bukkit Server also; it's still in development. Once the first town is finished I might consider inviting some trusted Members on TBT. I'm yet to portforward so it's Hamachi until I decide to have it open to the public.

My BF and I run a Bukkit Server though its just for us and a few of our friends. If my computer could support it, I would run a Bell Tree Server.
I actually won the Curse Facebook competition and won a free code for it and would've given it to you, but recently gave it to my sister. :(
I actually won the Curse Facebook competition and won a free code for it and would've given it to you, but recently gave it to my sister. :(

Ahhh, its OK. I probably wont get Minecraft any time soon because of my recent purchase of Pushmo Ugh, cannot beat one level!.
I forgot to mention in my last post that I also have a Bukkit Server also; it's still in development. Once the first town is finished I might consider inviting some trusted Members on TBT. I'm yet to portforward so it's Hamachi until I decide to have it open to the public.

If I had MC, I would love to join the server.
I forgot to mention in my last post that I also have a Bukkit Server also; it's still in development. Once the first town is finished I might consider inviting some trusted Members on TBT. I'm yet to portforward so it's Hamachi until I decide to have it open to the public.

My BF and I run a Bukkit Server though its just for us and a few of our friends. If my computer could support it, I would run a Bell Tree Server.

What sort of mods do you have installed on your bukkit servers?
Whats Bukkit anyway lol

So today I played Minecraft Classic. It was pretty fun. I mean, they kept on asking for GFs and swearing (and banned me from a server for no reason) but it was fun.
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What sort of mods do you have installed on your bukkit servers?
Last time I checked I had around 20 plugins:
Essentials (all of them except for Essentials Chat)
Auto Message
Auto Shutdown
Towny (which came with Questioner and this other plugin)
Group Manager

Some I plan to install later are:
An Anti-Hack plugin
Block Placement/Breaking log

Whats Bukkit anyway lol
It's a continuation of a Minecraft Mod called hMod. The mod was made for Vanilla Minecraft servers. This mod also doesn't require your friends to install anything to their Minecraft clients to join your hMod server. Later on the developer discontinued the mod, then the mod was then carried on by another development team and was renamed CraftBukkit (or just Bukkit). Instead of a MinecraftServer.exe, Craftbukkit.jar and a batch file are needed to run a Bukkit server. What's different gameplay-wise is that Bukkit can run .jar files called "Plugins" which are pretty much "Server Mods". Most plugins modify the server/game by just using Minecraft blocks and items already in the game. Some other plugins can protect specific area's from griefers and also add more ranks such as Owner, Admin, Mod, VIP, and more that you can create using the plugin's config.yml file.
Without sounding rude (which I likely am hooray), If you think you're the only person on these forums which plays minecraft or has an avid interest in it you really must not be on much, or have your eyes glued shut (I suggest hot water and a doctor if the later is applicable). Although everyone doesn't go ON and OOOOOOOONNNNNN about it neverendingly doesn't mean they don't play. Hell I could make the same assumption with Pok?mon games. I'm pretty sure a lot of members are playing (or replaying) their Pok?mon games and I could easily get online play with them if I asked.

You have to take into consideration that a lot of the active members here on TBT currently are pretty young and are just now hearing about Minecraft due to it being released on Xbox.
But yeah.. your point is valid. Minecraft is extremely popular and probably most of the people on TBT played, or has played it at one point.
You have to take into consideration that a lot of the active members here on TBT currently are pretty young and are just now hearing about Minecraft due to it being released on Xbox.

I actually was like "THE ****?!" when my friend told me Minecraft was an XBLA game and she'd never heard of it before. It's kinda like the whole SLENDER game thing. People are just learning about SLENDERMAN due to the SLENDER viral online game and keep thinking the creator of the game came up with Slenderman -.-
Slenderman got really popular here on TBT when it first started circulating around.
But yeah, it's kinda like when kids dig into ancient memes and act like they're still cool. lol

