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Has anyone here watched school days before?
If not, I highly reccomend it. Unless you get creeped out easily. In which case, dont.
So instead of actually trying to get off my sugar high and go to sleep, I stayed up all night catching up on Golden Time (4 episodes), Kill la Kill (7 episodes), and Sword Art Online Extra Edition. Aren't I fun.
I. pretty much agree with that whole list!
I just can't stand Naruto and Bleach...
I've tried watching both but failed...

Naruto & Bleach get annoying a bit, tbh if I didn't start watching them when I was in elementary school then I wouldn't give those two the time of day

Oh I forgot this one. Ghost In The Shell: Stand Alone Complex
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So instead of actually trying to get off my sugar high and go to sleep, I stayed up all night catching up on Golden Time (4 episodes), Kill la Kill (7 episodes), and Sword Art Online Extra Edition. Aren't I fun.

watch kyousouggia

golden time looks boring and klk is ok and i hate sao why are you watching sao

Has anyone watched any anime from the Winter 2014 anime list yet? I've only watched Chuunibyou Ren and Super Sonico The Animation... Uhh... Gotta say, I definitely prefer Chuunibyou. Yes sure, it's definitely not the best series churned out by Kyo-Ani, but nonetheless funny and entertaining. However I warn you to steer clear of the Super Sonico anime: It was AWFUL. @__@

i watched noragami and it was okay it reminded me of kagepro bc hiyori lmao
also watched hamatora or w/e its called and im really excited for it bc i love the designs
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watch kyousouggia

golden time looks boring and klk is ok and i hate sao why are you watching sao

Is that one of the new winter animes?

Golden Time is alright, things have gotten interesting. KlK WHY. And because I like SAO. Sue me.

I'm probably going to watch the monogatari stuff first.
Is that one of the new winter animes?

Golden Time is alright, things have gotten interesting. KlK WHY. And because I like SAO. Sue me.

I'm probably going to watch the monogatari stuff first.

NO KYOUSOUGIGA WAS FALL AND ITS AMAZING AND ITS TOO SHORT FOR ITS OWN GOOD and i love it so much i love koto and myoue its only 10 eps watch it please

and nui is literally a yase copy im not kidding

KLK is gay i only watch it bc ryuko and mako are dating and are adorable.....and how do u like SAO??? wtf????????? are u sure u watched SAO????????
Old school anime fan here, been an anime fan since the 80's, so I've watched a lot. But I'm not really into newer anime, but try to watch a few things here and there. Favorites are Ranma 1/2, One Piece, and Macross to name a few.
Old school anime fan here, been an anime fan since the 80's, so I've watched a lot. But I'm not really into newer anime, but try to watch a few things here and there. Favorites are Ranma 1/2, One Piece, and Macross to name a few.

ily bc OP!!!!
I'm behind though. ;o; I just started the Punk Hazard Arc.

That's no problem! You'll catch up in no time. I hope you haven't been spoiled yet omfg.

Punk Hazard and Dressrosa Arcs are two hells of an arc.
That's no problem! You'll catch up in no time. I hope you haven't been spoiled yet omfg.

Punk Hazard and Dressrosa Arcs are two hells of an arc.

Yeah most of my friends have been like "OP is so HYPE right now." LOL, I try not to get spoiled or let the hype affect my enjoyment. I know I should catch up though. I usually watch the anime, and then read the manga when I'm caught up.

I cosplayed a female Buggy once, while my brother was Luffy. XD;
Yeah most of my friends have been like "OP is so HYPE right now." LOL, I try not to get spoiled or let the hype affect my enjoyment. I know I should catch up though. I usually watch the anime, and then read the manga when I'm caught up.

Yes! Omfg, about three weeks ago, OP fandom was so crazy!!! And I'll make sure not to spoil anything; I hope you enjoy! But ohmygod, I'm surprised your friends or anyone at all has not spoiled you about the latest chapters, I'm so happy. Be careful! Yes, the anime is awesome too, I just can't be patient enough to wait for the animation so I have to read the latest chapters ToT

I cosplayed a female Buggy once, while my brother was Luffy. XD;

Zomfg you're too awesome! I wonder how female buggy would look like hehe!
The last anime I've watched to completion would be Anohana. :)
I've watched it twice now and it's amazing
So, what winter anime have we picked up so far?
I'm picking up Seki-kun, Wake Up Girls! and Chuu2 ^2 for sure.
I also recently downloaded (yes downloaded don't yell at me i love my glorious 720p) Chuu2 and K-On!, so that will be a blast :3
I'm really bad at watching anime, and any other type of series. But last anime I watched was the Saint Oniisan OVA, I loved the manga and the OVA wasn't a disappointment!
So, what winter anime have we picked up so far?
I'm picking up Seki-kun, Wake Up Girls! and Chuu2 ^2 for sure.
I also recently downloaded (yes downloaded don't yell at me i love my glorious 720p) Chuu2 and K-On!, so that will be a blast :3
oh i read seki-kun, it was okay. i dropped chuu soooooo.
watching noragami and hamatora. (hamatora seems great from the first ep tho !!)
anyone watched sakura trick yet?? is it good??

NO KYOUSOUGIGA WAS FALL AND ITS AMAZING AND ITS TOO SHORT FOR ITS OWN GOOD and i love it so much i love koto and myoue its only 10 eps watch it please

and nui is literally a yase copy im not kidding

KLK is gay i only watch it bc ryuko and mako are dating and are adorable.....and how do u like SAO??? wtf????????? are u sure u watched SAO????????

Is that on Crunchyroll, funimation or Hulu?

Okay. I just do? Do I have to think critically about every single thing I watch?
watch kyousouggia

golden time looks boring and klk is ok and i hate sao why are you watching sao
i watched noragami and it was okay it reminded me of kagepro bc hiyori lmao
also watched hamatora or w/e its called and im really excited for it bc i love the designs

If they like Sword Art Online, they like it. If you hate, you hate it. So please stop nagging them for liking an anime. I'm a fan of it too.
SAO was okay for the first half. I didn't like the second, mostly because of the cousin (what's her name again?) e.e
SAO was okay for the first half. I didn't like the second, mostly because of the cousin (what's her name again?) e.e

Ugh yesss. I felt bad for her but didn't get myself to like her at all, even until the end. Pft, even now, sorry. Forgot her name as well. Only know her as Leafa, oops