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Am I the only one who feels like this?


Oct 8, 2012
Purple Mailbox
So, it has been over 3 months since New Leaf came out, and I'm sick of the game. I waited sooooooo long, and now it feels like a disappointment. I've reset my town a couple of times, ,just to have something to do. I feels like all my villagers say the same thing over and over again. I only talk to them to get pictures, but you can easily tt to 1 april. Also, the market is.. People selling villagers, 'dreamies' that go for 50 mil..

I don't know really, it's hard to start up the game and play after 300+ hours of playing it. But I waited so long for this, this can't be the ending already... I played wild world for two years or so, and this game is so much better but... Yeah, I don't know. It feels like something is missing.
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You don't know how many threads I've seen like this xD

Coming from someone who has over five hundred house of playtime since mid July, yeah, I get bored sometimes. I just stop playing for a few days until I want to play again. I'm sure I'll get sick and tired of it soon, though.

I'm an avid animal crossing player, and honestly, this one isn't the greatest in some ways.
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Yeah I know how you feel. I always feel like my town isn't good enough and end up resetting. It gets pretty upsetting :(
This is my first AC game, but I do feel like the lack of dialogue variety really hurts it. The market is less of a concern, since it's easy enough to find people who are decent about what they ask for in exchange for villagers.
I'm just using this game as filler for my 3ds. Waiting for Pokemon X/Y <3
I feel the opposite, like there is still so much to see and collect. Partly because I reset two weeks ago, so I'm just starting to unlock stuff again.
I've felt like this ever since it came out, to be honest.
I just can't take to this game...
And yes, the villagers DO say the same things over and over and over and over again. I have three smug villagers, and I can't stand talking to my once favourite villager O'Hare now, because he repeats the same lines all the time @.@

Okay, okay... it's animal crossing. It's a video game. What did I expect? I was probably overhyped, too. But I still think NL lacks the charm of the other games. The little things like Blather's blathering, Phyllis' rudeness...
And it's probably the fact that I can't visit other towns/other people can't visit me. That takes away the part I looked forward to the most. I feel so lonely in my game. Oh well.
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Hey Toeto! I've been waiting for nearly an hour on your thread for a reply! :) (The autumn wallpaper?) Please can you reply or agree because I'm really confused if you want it still or not! :) Thankyou.

- - - Post Merge - - -

And maybe stop playing for a while. A break. Then you might feel like playing again! :3
I reset today because after almost 4 months of straight playing, I finally got bored. I really rushed through the process at the beginning of unlocking things, and now I'm ready to just take it slow and enjoy the game and connect with my villagers more. I suggest taking a break for a few weeks and then reset with a different mindset: Try not to be fussy and just enjoy the game.

I don't really feel this way, and I think it's because I didn't burn myself out by playing an extreme amount of hours. I play maybe an hour a day on weekdays, or 2-3 on weekends, as opposed to 5-6+ hours each day as I know some others have done. I don't time travel, either, beyond maybe an hour or two here or there, so if I want to get to events I'm excited about, I have to wait. I also don't force myself to say, bug hunt on the island for 4 hours just to make a lot of bells: if I feel like bug hunting, I bug hunt. If not, oh well, I'm not going to default on my loan if I take a few weeks to pay it back. :p Basically, I'm playing it at a meandering pace, and I think this has really helped prolong interest for me.
I haven't played any Animal Crossing games before this one, so I can't really make a comparison. But yeah, I'd say this game is starting to get a bit boring. Three months is a long time to spend on one game (unless it's a Bethesda game) for me, so it's no surprise to me that it's getting boring now. I just do my daily "chores" and then stop playing for the day, for now. I'm looking forward to holiday events, though, so that's mainly what's keeping me around. Once Halloween, the Harvest Festival, Christmas, etc. are over, I'm probably going to take an official break from the game. That's a ways off, though, so it's of little concern to me.
I agree with the lack of dialogue variety. Sometimes I stop talking to my villagers because they keep repeating the same things over and over again. If the "dreamies" market really bothers you, try to ignore it; you shouldn't let how others play the game influence on how you feel when you play the game. It's your game, after all; ultimately, you're the one who controls how you feel when you play it.

I'm just using this game as filler for my 3ds. Waiting for Pokemon X/Y <3
It's funny because I originally got ACNL as a filler for SMTIV and RF4 (which got delayed... but it's coming out in a couple days YAY). But AC has been so casual that I can just play for 10 minutes or so a day so I don't really mind.

Edit: Forgot about Pokemon. Can't wait for those either. ehe
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yeah I feel this way sometimes, right now I find it fun again because I put goals for myself in the game but a few weeks before I would barely play it. I would only go on like once every few days because I got so bored of it. It's kind of weird how this game has more features than Wild World yet I could play Wild World so much and never get bored for years. I remember spending almost all my summers playing ww.

I really think it's the lack of dialogue, and the fact that the personalities don't match up to it. Like, I have the GC version too and the crankies are literally cranky, the lazies are so lazy it's funny, snooty's are rude but then get nicer as time goes on, etc.. in new leaf they all just seem too nice, idk. and earning bells is soo easy now that I guess that's one of the things that makes the game boring after a while.

I remember I would take soooo long too earn a million bells in ww, and yet now it's so easy. Oh and the fact that flowers actually had to be taken care of and hybrids were even more difficult to grow. I guess that's why people get so bored of the game, but maybe that's just how I see it.

to be honest I actually mainly got my 3ds for just a few games, specifically legend of zelda oot, pokemon x, acnl, and now i'm realizing there are so many other good games that I want to try out after playing the demos.
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This is my first AC game ever and I love it a lot. But the dialogues tend indeed to get repetitive. After playing for over 30 hours (or more; didn't count), I reseted because I just wasn't happy anymore with my map. With reseting came of course new villagers and at first, I was like "Cool! New villagers!" but now it's more a feeling of d?j? vu all the time; other villagers, yes, but always the same dialogue. :(
I rushed too quickly into the game the first two times, time traveling and abusing the island for money.
Now I've decided to kick back and play it the way I used to, earning money from fishing and bug catching all day. Making my own paths.
I'm only using online to get dream villagers and thats it.
I just really wanna play it the way I did back in WW, and thats how I loved the game.
I think that New Leaf was a lot of people's first Animal Crossing game.
This kind of game is not for everyone...

It is a casual game and maybe most people are not used to that?
Isn't that how it is with any video game? You get bored of it after a few weeks?
Eh I dunno, I give props to a game that can keep my interest for even one week lol
Like others keep suggesting just take a break from it. That could help rekindle your interest.
I'm certainly playing the game a lot less now, but I also have more going on in my life.
I used to have a night owl town so I could keep playing until 2/3 am but recently gotten so bored of watering flowers for almost 30 mins a day I've had to switch that so that's less time playing as well. And now I only have 1 definite dream villager still to get so I'm more relaxed there, and my new flats internet needs replacing so I can play online again so it's all grinding to a halt.

But I'm now intent on paying for my last 2 house expansions not using the island, turnips or trade forum. And I've still plenty of plans for gardening in my town, even if there isn't enough floorspace left anywhere. xD And I've still 2 PWP I absolutely must have before I hand over the reigns to a new mayor. So I'm finding reasons to play, even if it is only for an hour or so a day now.
I think that the animals should have 3X more diolouge, but i'm not tired of the game yet