Accidentally deleting your games


Gutted, rotted, Gila monster, BEAST!
Mar 31, 2022
My Switch broke a few years ago, and when it did, I lost some gaming progress. It might not seem like much, but I had beaten Super Mario Odyssey and Toad Treasure Tracker. I was able to replay and beat TTT again, but Odyssey is still tough.
Anyone else have a similar experience?
I have this curse where I lose data on a lot of the Pokemon Mystery Dungeon games. In Blue Rescue Team, Explorers of Time, and Explorers of Sky, I lost my original save files due to me doing dumb things. However, Red Rescue Team was not my fault. One day the cartridge just decided to break and delete my data...
At the moment, I can't recall a specific time when I deleted a saved game due to pure negligence, but my SNES cartridge of Kirby Super Star has a long history of "accidentally" deleting my saved files on it (or maybe it's actually the console itself, I don't know). There's three file slots that you can use to save your progress, but for some reason every once in awhile something happens and it just wipes off everything clean. I guess that gives me an excuse to play and beat the game all over again, but it can also be a little discouraging sometimes (especially when I already had 100℅ completion of the entire game).
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I screwed up during Harvest Moon DS and while saving, shut the game off like "oh wait, no!" I forget exactly why, probably had to do with my animals being sick or something. Then when I turned the game back on and went to load my save file, it was deleted. Don't turn the game off while saving, all games I've ever played always said, yet I did it just then. I felt so stupid.
I once thought I had time to save my game on Mario & Luigi: Superstar Saga before the GBA's battery died.

I was wrong.
Omg I loved that game! I found it tough but fun. How far were you when that happened?
Omg I loved that game! I found it tough but fun. How far were you when that happened?
This was a long time ago so I don't remember exactly where I was, but I remember I was far enough in for it to be devastating. I didn't want to touch the game for a while, because I was so upset about it.
This was a long time ago so I don't remember exactly where I was, but I remember I was far enough in for it to be devastating. I didn't want to touch the game for a while, because I was so upset about it.
I don't think I've ever beaten it-- I got stuck on Mom Pirahna. It's still my goal to beat it though lol.
I can't remember a time where I accidentally deleted my save progress (though I probably definitely have) however, when I was in middle school I was playing a lot of Harvest Moon; Sunshine Islands. It was and still is my favorite Harvest Moon game. I was so, so very close to "completing" it--unlocking all the islands and such--and this girl at school asked to borrow it for a night because she wanted to try playing it.
I let her. :(
She deleted all my progress instead of using the unused save file. My heart was forever broken.
Reminds me of when I first got Kingdom Hearts on the PS2 and made it to Neverland and realized I didn't tell my parents that I needed a memory card so I had to turn it off, losing so many hours of progress just because I forgot the memory card
The thing that comes to mind for me is my old Pokemon game batteries dying. The first shiny Pokemon I ever caught (other than red Gyrados) was a Rapidash in Gold that died with that game. I've got the batteries to fix them now, I might try to get a new one only to lose it it another 15 years lol
I can’t remember a time where I deleted a saved file by pure accident. I can recall, however, games getting shut off either randomly or due to low battery on a handheld, and losing progress.
Oooh yes. When I was young I had a PS1 ans played a lot of Grandia. My favorit game to this time. I was almost at the end of the journey and was soooo happy. I was only 12 I guess and so proud of myself. First time this far in the game.

My little sister wanted to test the game out as well and I showed her everything but disn't tell her to not save over my file because I thought that's.common knowledge. No it is not. My save file was gone and I cried bitter tears T.T

I have the game still and beat it several times already and the part where I was in the story as a kid was only the half. The game is massive.
Beyond my most recent experience of file corruption (moving files from my PC, that were from my switch, to my deck) I don't think I've ever had my save file completely wiped before.
When I was a kid, I had a gba that had the covering of the batteries broken, so the batteries were expose. I lost data when they were moved but not the whole file.
Can't recall a time I accidentally deleted a game's save data. There may have been one time I deleted the save data for a Pokemon game I was pretty far in on accident, but that memory is hazy, so I can't be 100% certain about that.
Omg the trauma.. I once wanted to start a new save file on my harvest moon game and accidentally overwrote my current one when saving instead of saving in a new slot. The agony…
ive accidentally deleted/saved over fallout new vegas saves numerous times while playing & modding the game. i'm very oblivious lol
I've never accidentally deleted any saves by myself (as far as I can remember, anyway), but I have lost saves due to the memory getting corrupted when it was outside of my control. I very clearly remember it happening with the GameCube's 1019 block Memory Card multiple times, which was rough as a kid.