AC Doodles! (Closed to new requests for now!)

Aw thank you! <3 Feel free to make a request, I'll be working on some today to hopefully make some headway. :)

well in that case could you draw my mayor and Rudy trying to wake Beau who fell asleep on a stump? Here's a pic of my mayor for reference.


The red thing around his neck is a scarf and the grey thing on his left shoulder is a shoulder plate.
bellforums requests fifteen.jpgbellforums requests fourteen.jpgbellforums requests thirteen.jpg

Woohoo! Managed to get out three today, not a lot, I know, but three is better than zero! XD <3 I hope you guys like. C:
Of course you are, Lady! ;w; Just let me know what you'd like. C:

AWESOME! You're too awesome. <3

I want a picture of my mayor with Cally and Marshal. They both left me! :'(
They were my it couple. Now I'm stuck with Pekoe and Stitches. Trying to get Tank for Merengue. LOL.

let me know what you want <33333
AWESOME! You're too awesome. <3

I want a picture of my mayor with Cally and Marshal. They both left me! :'(
They were my it couple. Now I'm stuck with Pekoe and Stitches. Trying to get Tank for Merengue. LOL.

let me know what you want <33333

Aw, no problem. <333 I know how it is to lose the babies. D: I will avenge the loss for you! -valiant pose-

- - - Post Merge - - -

:O o my i feel bad for asking another one :x so many request alrdy QQ

Aw, don't feel bad. C: I like doing them, I just hate making ya'll sweeties wait so long. DX
aww <3 and your art is totally worth the wait :D! HNI_0095.JPG if its alright to request an updated version may my mayor with a side ponytail now and with marshal :D(i just got him was so excited >.<!)
I know how busy you're! Take your time.

For the mean time, it's time for me to say bye to Cally! She's so stubborn.

In an effort to save her, I moved her to my cycling town. GIIIIIIIIRL moved out in boxes again.
I know how busy you're! Take your time.

For the mean time, it's time for me to say bye to Cally! She's so stubborn.

In an effort to save her, I moved her to my cycling town. GIIIIIIIIRL moved out in boxes again.

I know how it is with the stubborn ones. @___@ I spoke to Nibbles like one time in Shirohibiki's town, she moves into mine and I cannot get rid of her. Must be squirrels, they have a stubborn streak. :p