[#7] Five Years of New Leaf Anniversary Photo Challenge

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Here's mine!

Newbie here... had to do some Googling to figure out how to get this here. Twitter for the win!!
Westeros has been my happy place for about 4 and a half years now :')


I hope it's okay that it's in French
Well bit of an embarrassing photo. I haven?t played in a while, about a few months or so. Came online the other day and my town was ruined, paths missing, flowers gone, villagers in bad spots. Figured I?d start over cause why not, my town wasn?t the best anyways. I reset the other day and now I have an empty town with a bad map and 20million dollars that I?m waiting 100 days for. I kinda want a new map but I?m gonna have to sort something out lol. I first picked the game up on Christmas Day 2012 and I?ve reset a couple times through so I?m fine with starting over.

had a little bit of a town resetting habit and now i think i've stopped. this one is from june 2017 but my first dates back to march 25th 2014. probably gonna keep this fruit alignment, thanks to who came up with that : ))

welp. two stolen 3dses, two lost cartridges and one cartridge eaten by my nephew's dog later, here we are. hopefully New Home is here to stay ;w;​
My very first entry

I used to be a 2nd character in a town my family used to own. Then I decided to have my own town!
And this is the town ジェリィ ( it pronounces like jelly btw ), in which I met over thousands of adorable mayors through trades in this forum.

You can see the gift at the center, right?
It is a gift to myself, for the memory of someone who I adore most. He neither plays New Leaf nor has time for it anymore. But I always miss him. So ( excuse me if this is too girly! xD ) inside the cute wrap up is something he gave me before he left his town. It's always there for myself, to remember him.

I miss you,

Zootopia has been with me for almost 5 years? Crazy how time flies! And let the record show I came up with the name way before the Disney movie came about hahasorry it looks kinda trashed lol

Here's mine :), I have been playing the game since it was released..I just restarted a lot.
Also I'll be using my main town since I had it longer.

I've had the game since 2013, but I've reset so many times it's not funny.

This is my current, and final, town, Everwood. I've decided after I get bored with this town, that's the end of AC:NL for me, hence its name.

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