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saying it's cheatin like its a fact is lame. it being cheating is just your opinion, which you can have bc its your game and you can play it how u want. but you can't pretend that calling it cheatin isnt condescending. you can call it cheating, but don't act like thats a fact

also wouldnt tt'ing to get rare/expensive villagers make their price go down bc it means there are more of them to buy? Kinda like how amiibo cards reduced the bells trading price for marshal?
In my view, play how you want and let others play how they want to. Developers have said they don't consider it cheating so I don't understand why there's still people claiming it's cheating. Duping is cheating, hence why they patched that super fast.

I personally don't TT cause I don't care too much but I definitely get impatient waiting for stuff to unlock so I'll TT from time to time but it's never more than a few days in advance.
I think that's everyone's opinion here. Only people calling it "cheating" are the ones talking about the people who are using it to exploit others. I don't mind if you TT as long as it doesn't hurt my gameplay in any way.
Not even worth reading all the defensive posts.

Look. You wanna take a diffferent way and skip over huge chunks of the game to obtain items and whatnot? Go right ahead. Doesnt make you a worse person than me. Its just a game.

But don't be silly and act like your experience is somehow on the same playing field as me playing the game as it's meant to be played.

If you tt you are cutting out the guts, the biggest part of the game I'm playing. The waiting/grooming/planning/earning elements.

I'm playing a sim. You're playing some type of collection/achievement race against yourself. We aren't even in comparitive worlds with our gameplay experience.

Nothing about tt is wrong. Not a thing.

But don't go getting upset that you aren't viewed as playing the game the same way I am when you have made an explicit and purposeful decision not to do so.

That's silly.

If my experience was the same as yours then you wouldn't be tt.
I think that's everyone's opinion here. Only people calling it "cheating" are the ones talking about the people who are using it to exploit others. I don't mind if you TT as long as it doesn't hurt my gameplay in any way.
Exploiting others regardless of TTing or not is super lame and those are the people we should all be spreading our anger to lol
Lol first of all, stop being condescending.
You made a positive claim that the developers were against TT and I was a able to prove that as incorrect.
What you are doing is cherry picking and trying to create a rule book on what is and isnt ok.
If something was not ok, then it would be taken out of the game. The developers are not stupid and they are aware of what is going on.

And while yes, the devs, and most people including myself, would agree that the game would create a better experience if played without TT, thats just not how the world works and we have to suck it up and deal with it. And if its affecting you this much then just stop playing or go make a better game that ACNH.

Except they can't. The only way to do it is to force Animal Crossing to be an online only game and that a big no no.

Im sorry but I had to post this.
It's definitely cheating, you're not playing the game the way it was intended to be played. Do I care enough to think it's unethical or wrong in some way? Hell no, play the game however you want, just don't be surprised when you get bored of playing it sooner than people who don't TT.
Except they can't. The only way to do it is to force Animal Crossing to be an online only game and that a big no no.
Thats just not true.
A fix for this could be:
Based on the instance that you first begin the game, time would be fixed. So even if you changed the clock setting, the game would remain the same. The game would count minutes forward in a fixed manner even if you skipped hours ahead.
Hm... well I'm not a fan of using this as a reason but I'll go ahead and add my personal reason why I TT.

I have a lot of island plans involving inclines and cliffs. As we all know only one incline a day can be built or destroyed on seperate days.

I've been diagnosed with ADHD which makes me compulsive with decisions (I often regret a lot of my layout choices). And to boot I am particularly bad at seeing "the big picture" and often make simple mistakes more than the average player (Such as not realizing I can't build an incline a certain way the following day. This has happened more than a handful of times.).

I guarantee to you that I will never satisfactorily have fun with this game without being able to quickly make adjustments. If there was a faster way to make layout adjustments I probably wouldn't. But that's just how things are right now.

Edit: I also had my psychiatrist jokingly say, "I wouldn't reccomend architecture in your future." So I hope that paints a better picture.
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i've read all these posts and think this thread is going around in circles in that everyone is essentially saying that it's fine to play the game however you want :) everything else just seems to be justification for why people personally play the way they do, there's no need for any accusations on either side ??
Not even worth reading all the defensive posts.

Look. You wanna take a diffferent way and skip over huge chunks of the game to obtain items and whatnot? Go right ahead. Doesnt make you a worse person than me. Its just a game.

But don't be silly and act like your experience is somehow on the same playing field as me playing the game as it's meant to be played.

If you tt you are cutting out the guts, the biggest part of the game I'm playing. The waiting/grooming/planning/earning elements.

I'm playing a sim. You're playing some type of collection/achievement race against yourself. We aren't even in comparitive worlds with our gameplay experience.

Nothing about tt is wrong. Not a thing.

But don't go getting upset that you aren't viewed as playing the game the same way I am when you have made an explicit decision not to do so.

That's silly.
There's a lot of good in your post, but it's mixed with condescension and contempt and I'm not sure why that is. Here, on both occasions you make it very clear that there needs to be a distinction between "legitimate" and "illegitimate." That'd be fine on it's own, but why add the bit about how your way is the way it's meant to be played? While that's true, all that does is incite potential drama, as what you said there comes off as condescending. "My way is the right way." "We're not in the same league here." Not sure why there has to be an emphasis on that.

Matter of fact, why do non TT'ers care to mention so often that TT'ers are playing the game the wrong way? Why does that need to be repeated so much? Do many non TT'ers have some kind of superiority complex or something? Is it not enough to say, "I don't TT, but if you TT, that's w/e."
There's a lot of good in your post, but it's mixed with condescension and contempt and I'm not sure why that is. Here, on both occasions you make it very clear that there needs to be a distinction between "legitimate" and "illegitimate." That'd be fine on it's own, but why add the bit about how your way is the way it's meant to be played? While that's true, all that does is incite potential drama, as what you said there comes off as condescending. "My way is the right way." "We're not in the same league here." Not sure why there has to be an emphasis on that.

Matter of fact, why do non TT'ers care to mention so often that TT'ers are playing the game the wrong way? Why does that need to be repeated so much? Do many non TT'ers have some kind of superiority complex or something? Is it not enough to say, "I don't TT, but if you TT, that's w/e."
Thought I was the only one that was getting that vibe from that post too. Why delude yourself into believing there's some morally superior way of playing the game when the entire experience is subjective. As long as you aren't harming anyone else's experience people really need to keep their unwarranted insults and condescension to themselves. It's like they've forgetten that the whole point of the game is to relax and make friends.
If TT wasn't meant to be done, why didn't they implement some sort of punishment other than a bunch of weeds, roaches and flowers? TT is not prohibited by the developers. I think people need to calm down.
Not even worth reading all the defensive posts.

Look. You wanna take a diffferent way and skip over huge chunks of the game to obtain items and whatnot? Go right ahead. Doesnt make you a worse person than me. Its just a game.

But don't be silly and act like your experience is somehow on the same playing field as me playing the game as it's meant to be played.

If you tt you are cutting out the guts, the biggest part of the game I'm playing. The waiting/grooming/planning/earning elements.

I'm playing a sim. You're playing some type of collection/achievement race against yourself. We aren't even in comparitive worlds with our gameplay experience.

Nothing about tt is wrong. Not a thing.

But don't go getting upset that you aren't viewed as playing the game the same way I am when you have made an explicit and purposeful decision not to do so.

That's silly.

If my experience was the same as yours then you wouldn't be tt.

I don't think anyone is trying to say both ways of playing are the same. In fact, the whole point is that they're not. It's two different play styles. Some people find one more satisfying than the other. I don't see the need for judgement one way or the other, or the implication that your way is somehow more legitimate. I find it baffling that people can climb atop such a high horse over a simple game.
People take it way too seriously. As others have said, even people who worked on the game don't consider it cheating. They knew this would happen surely, and if they didn't want it to happen, they wouldn't allow it. I say just let people do whatever they so wish. I've been playing normally, but the other day, I diiiid TT a bit just so I could get the upgraded Nook's Cranny. That's all. :'D
There's a lot of good in your post, but it's mixed with condescension and contempt and I'm not sure why that is. Here, on both occasions you make it very clear that there needs to be a distinction between "legitimate" and "illegitimate." That'd be fine on it's own, but why add the bit about how your way is the way it's meant to be played? While that's true, all that does is incite potential drama, as what you said there comes off as condescending. "My way is the right way." "We're not in the same league here." Not sure why there has to be an emphasis on that.

Matter of fact, why do non TT'ers care to mention so often that TT'ers are playing the game the wrong way? Why does that need to be repeated so much? Do many non TT'ers have some kind of superiority complex or something? Is it not enough to say, "I don't TT, but if you TT, that's w/e."

No contempt at tt. Contempt at those (not the thread starter) that seem to be upset that they are viewed as playing the game a different way when they are playing the game a different way.

When I say "not on the same playing field" I don't mean "I'm in another league." That would be insisting it takes some type of skill to play the game the intended way or not to do so. It does not. In fact I'd wager that those that tt are probably better than me at most video games.

When I say "not on the same playing field" I mean we aren't even able to have our experiences compared because it's as if we aren't really playing the same game. Or "sport" if you will.

Again I sometimes write very directly. I mean nothing in anger.

I don't think anyone is trying to say both ways of playing are the same. In fact, the whole point is that they're not. It's two different play styles. Some people find one more satisfying than the other. I don't see the need for judgement one way or the other, or the implication that your way is somehow more legitimate. I find it baffling that people can climb atop such a high horse over a simple game.

I'm in agreement. That's my point. It's two very different ways to play the game. So different that playing the intended way (and not tt is the intended way. Let's not be rediculous) is basically a whole other game from playing AC tt style.

My central point being if, in fact, these two styles are so radically different (and they are) then I take objection to anyone who wants to play one way but be viewed as playing the game the same as anyone else.

TT all you want. But don't be defensive about it. That's what I'm getting at.

Also don't attack TT players for turning AC into a different kind of game for themselves. They paid the same money everyone else did and it's their right. Perhaps I should've made that point earlier as well.
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By the way this conversation is really fun. I enjoy seeing some heated debate around here. So many smart people and smart points.
My central point being if, in fact, these two styles are so radically different (and they are) then I take objection to anyone who wants to play one way but be viewed as playing the game the same as anyone else.
Fair enough.
The generally accepted "bright line" definition of cheating in a video game is modifying the game or system in some way. Time travelling does not meet that definition since even though you are modifying the system time, that is a standard feature on the Switch that anyone can do. Whether Nintendo intended for the game to be played that way is irrelevant. It's not our fault that Nintendo effed up with this game in multiple ways (I still think it's a good game).

That being said, I think TTers are cheating... themselves. If you're trying to speed-run Animal Crossing, you're not playing the game the wrong way; you're playing the wrong game period. You fly through the game getting all the bells, items, villagers, etc. you want and then what? You get bored with your island and then want to start a new one. Except this isn't NL where you can just buy another cartridge. So you end up resetting and losing everything you TT'ed to get anyway. There are a lot of other games out there where it's considered a talent to find exploits in the game. Animal Crossing is not one of those games because there's no end goal to get to. One of the unique things about Animal Crossing is that it's a different game every day, so there's a reason to play every day and things to get excited about. Most of my other video games are the exact same game today as they were yesterday as they will be tomorrow, or next week, or month, or year. TTing turns Animal Crossing into the exact same game every day which takes away that uniqueness. Hopping in the DeLorean isn't technically cheating, but you'll eventually end up driving it off a cliff.
I found this snippet and thought I'd share:

"Cheating in video games involves a video game player using various methods to create an advantage beyond normal gameplay, in order to make the game easier."

I don't think TT is wrong, but I do think a lot of TTers feel the need to justify their actions by saying it isn't cheating. By definition, in my opinion, it absolutely is because in some way or another it does make the game easier beyond normal gameplay. Waiting is basically the opposing force in this series. There are no enemies or bosses; the only thing against with we struggle is time. By eliminating that, for whatever reason, would be giving the player an advantage.

But that's okay. The only thing I don't understand is why time travelers get so defensive when a spade is called a spade. You guys shouldn't feel the need to justify yourselves to anyone, because your reasons for doing it will never change the opinions of those who are against it.