Selling 40 black roses for cheap

i have the pink vending machine, do you have the black or white one?
other than that, i am looking for nmt
i have the pink vending machine, do you have the black or white one?
other than that, i am looking for nmt
aaa i just got a pink one, that's alright!
sorry for the trouble!!
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Hi! 10 purple hyacinths for 10 NMT?

ahh sorry, that's quite steep for me!
i'll pass, thank you for your offer tho!
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which do you have? id be interested!

i have western style stone, angled signpost, birdhouse, basket pack, windflower fan, stone tablet, wooden waste bin, stone table, gold screen wall, wooden block table~

i'll be heading to bed, let me know if you are still interested to trade tomorrow! :)
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looking for hybrids~~
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Hi! is it 5NMT for all or per flower?
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Sure! It will arrive tomorrow right?
If possible is it okay if i get 4 benches for 6 NMT? If not 2 is alright too!
sorry i dont have enough nook miles for that...... i spent them all lol