Merging the last two games you played.

Destiny and League of Legends. Well, let's see.
Both made by solid companies, both are based around grinding and pseudo-RNG, two of my favorite games of all time.
Yeah, I think it may just work.
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Hyrule Warriors (THE BETTER WII U VERSION) and Bravely Second.

tbh a Warriors game of any other series I like would be cool, and the Bravely series would be interesting with its 36 classes (iirc) between the 2 games.
But I'd like to see how Bishop would work since he can't attack in any way other than Sacrifice and death is what you want to avoid. :/
Oh great, now I started thinking about this more and now I want it. -_-
So you would basically only have 6 playable characters in the entire game (Tiz, Agnes, Ringabel, Edea, Yew, and Magnolia), but instead of unlocking weapons, you would have to complete special missions to unlock new jobs that could be used by all 6 characters. Missions would be like Legends (and every other Warriors game ever) where you can play as multiple characters. Not sure if 3 or 4 per level would be better though. Either way, to make every character worth using, they would each have their own small differences to make each of them have a different use.
  • Tiz: The most balanced, so he gets a small boost to the other 5 characters' bonuses. Also has the most health. (Most HP and balanced stats in game)
  • Agnes: The strongest magic attacks. (Highest Intelligence in game. Which is ironic now that I think about it with how often she gets lost.)
  • Ringabel: Fastest attacking and running speed. (Highest Agility in game.)
  • Edea: The strongest physical attacks. (Highest Strength in game.)
  • Yew: Attacks are larger and easier to hit with. (Highest Dexterity in game.)
  • Magnolia: I can't think of anything else for her... so let's go with she's the only one that can speak French. INSTANTLY THE BEST CHARACTER. (jk maybe her Special and Bravely Second meters could fill up quicker?)
Now with each job, the main job will determine the outfit you wear and your strong attacks while your job command/secondary job will determine your weak attacks. So the Summoner class for example would be like the Summoning Gate, where you summon monsters to do slow, but large and powerful magic attacks. Healing and support classes would aid the character you're playing as and the other 2 or 3 playable characters (that you can switch to at anytime). You would be able to level up every character to 99, but I think being able to level each job would be neat as well. But instead of unlocking new moves and abilities with each job level up, you would get bonuses for that job like "weak attacks are faster when being used as a secondary job." And maybe at the last level you could unlock a super strong move. Maybe. Just maybe.
Back to the Special and Bravely Second meters, Special moves would function identically to the Bravely games and other Warriors games. You have your gauge split into 3 parts. If the gauge has 2 sections full, you could either do a standard special attack (or the level 1 version), or you could use both sections for a stronger special attack (or the level 2 version). And if you have the gauge completely full, you could use a level 3 attack, which would be the strongest attack (the special would probably be based on your main job). They would also play that character's theme and you would get the bonus for whatever special attack you used. You could give an option to switch between Default's and Second's themes for Tiz and Edea. The Bravely Second meter would be similar to Focus Spirit, except all enemies are frozen. So you would still get the boosted damage, attack range increase, bonuses for killing ____ amount of enemies, and the attack speed buff (they're frozen already, but why not? :p).
Now I'll leave and cry because this will never happen.
I got a pretty basic one, Animal Crossing and Pokemon.

It would be cute though, Pokemon villagers and perhaps a stadium where the villagers could battle it out for prizes.
I suppose you would also play as a Pokemon since it would be kinda odd if you were the trainer...
Overwatch and Flight Rising.

You create skinsanity by making 1,000's of skins via breeding

You play exclusively as dragons with different abilities based on race.
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Hyrule Warriors and Splatoon
Play as an inkling and go on a octoling massacre >: ) (or vice versa)
Or maybe LoZ characters going paintballing, lol
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Kingdom Hearts and... Project Diva F? That just seems weird... Ugh! Now I can't get characters from KH dancing and singing to Vocaloid songs out of my head! THIS IS REALLY STRANGE...
fire emblem fates and smash bros ? i guess that could be pretty cool
Pok?mon Y and Civ V

so tb strategy with pokemon characters and nations fighting against each other..well
Harvest Moon and Minecraft.

So basically Harvest Moon: The Lost Valley. That game was awful, but if you merged these two games and did it WELL it would probably be fun.
Wadanohara and the Great Blue Sea + FE:Sacred Stones

So basically a Turn-Based RPG with mostly a story...
seems cool.
Pokemon, Yoshi's Island, and The Legendary Starfy put into a blender. When it comes out, it's a clean action/adventure platformer with hints of RPG thrown in there (EXP, Lvs, moves, items, random encounters, healing stations). Boss fights will end if one Trainer defeats the other, but battles go on even after all Pokemon on one side have bought the farm. The only downside to having all your Mons dead is that you'll get fewer points and less money. It takes place in the Kalos Region, and you play as Yoshi, who's trying to save it from the evil clutches of Team Flare. You're given two Zygarde Cores right away, and you have to find 100 Zygarde Cells scattered across the region. What makes this unique is that the Terrible Trio will also be making an appearance. And by an appearance, I mean they're the bad guys pretty much throughout the entire main game. Pufftop also becomes available, but it's mostly bonus sections. There are a few story-centric parts of it, like at one point, where Snips is knocked off the Flare Frigate while trying to use a Rainbow Droplet's power to give you a free ticket to Heaven, and you have to find another one to cure her broken legs. If you beat the game and even just one Cell is missing, the bad ending will play: Yoshi and his plucky Pokemon partners celebrate saving Kalos from Team Flare, but one lone male Grunt stands way in the corner, holding a Zygarde Cell hostage. The good ending will only play if you locate all 100 Cells, after you defeat the Pseudo-Final Boss, Lysandre. What happens after that is that Yoshi and co will celebrate like normal, but instead of that Flare Grunt holding a Cell hostage, the Grunt will call out the Trio mid-celebration for being so Janken-themed. Then, the three will quit Team Flare on the spot, reverting to the color scheme they had before they joined, and then, they'll rush off to Route kl6. This begins a new part of the game where you have to run after the Trio, them just disappearing off each new screen you enter the closer you get to there. Once you actually reach Palais Road, you'll hear a BOOOOM noise, and the sky will turn brown. You investigate the sudden kaboom, and you find out that Parfum Palace is actually a mile in the sky now. You have to get up there somehow, by using the now non-hostile wild Pokemon (you know, the ones you've been killing with a bunch of your OWN Pokemon for EXP) for leverage. If you wanted to use your OWN Pokemon for leverage, remember that flying works like Tails's flight ability, in that it only lasts for about 20 seconds before you tire out and descend quicker and quicker. The Pidgeys fly a bit faster than the Fletchlings, so plan ahead a bit. Several hundred frustrating jumps later, you find that Parfum Palace has been converted into a huge, five-story palace, with the trials on the middle three floors. The Rock-Paper-Scissors motif continues throughout all of them. The first trial is centered on Papes and involves a tight network of tunnels you can't Intangibilize your way out of. The second trial is centered on Ronk and is about shifting platforms over which you can't fly. The third trial is centered on Snips and is made of tons of sharp weaponry that's immune to psychokinesis. In short, Dungeon Bypass is inverted because it's against the rules. Meaning you can't use your precious Pokemon. Unless you like using a Rapidash to zip across the castle. Once you FINALLY make it to floor number 5, you're ready to square off against the Terrible Trio themselves. They each have a Wormadam (one for each cloak), and each Wormadam is equipped with a move of her secondary type (Grass = Leaf Storm, Ground = Earthquake, Steel = Gyro Ball). When you defeat them (which WILL take a while, as they're some of the hardest bosses in the game), there's a special cutscene that will trigger: The Trio, realizing that even together, they're still unable to win, actually FUSE TOGETHER just to put themselves (or rather, herself) at an advantage. That's when 100% Zygarde will finally show up and you get to PLAY AS HIM. He can do crap like firing lazers, causing earthquakes, and to put the icing on the cake, HE CAN FLY. He's fighting against Perfect Janken, who's many times smaller, yet just as powerful. To put it into perspective, this is like the Tirek v.s Twilight fight in Twilight's Kingdom, only with the roles swapped. Then, once you defeat her, a very special cutscene plays where she explodes into shockwaves, the whole world around 100% Zygarde will blossom into a bunch of beautiful flowers, and the sky will now turn bright blue. If you manage to complete the game like this, a flower will appear on the title screen. Also, you'll get a boss rush mode, a sound test, and a minigame mode where there are 8 minigames based on the 8 main-story worlds in The Legendary Starfy.
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Super Smash Bros. and Candy Crush.

I guess you'd get to play as different types of sweats instead of video game characters.
Overwatch and Animal Crossing: New Leaf

... N-not sure how that would work honestly
The World Ends With You and 9 Hours, 9 Persons, 9 Doors.

I guess the Reaper's Game wouldn't involve partners, but a group of 9. Only people who make it through Door #9 are returned to life, and everyone can get through, but they wouldn't know it ahead of time. They'd kill each other off out of paranoia or survival instincts, and then the ones that make it through are plagued by post traumatic stress disorder and survivor's guilt in the life they returned to through so much senseless betrayal and slaughter.
FE Fates: Birthright and Clicker Heroes

So SRPG with the clicker heroes characters.. or a clicker game with FE characters.. hmm

- - - Post Merge - - -

FE Fates: Birthright and Clicker Heroes

So SRPG with the clicker heroes characters.. or a clicker game with FE characters.. hmm