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Mafia TBT Mini Mafia XIII: Bird Mafia II [Game Over - Town & Tsundere Win!]

Hold up, hold up, hold up. This unhatched chickie has 2 night lives and is calling out lauren. I am the real vet and I doubt there are 2 vets. So, I'm sorry to say that you dun goof'd lauren.

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And how exactly am I lazy lauren.
Hold up, hold up, hold up. This unhatched chickie has 2 night lives and is calling out lauren. I am the real vet and I doubt there are 2 vets. So, I'm sorry to say that you dun goof'd lauren.

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And how exactly am I lazy lauren.

Inclined to believe this claim too. 'Unhatched Chickie' seems to me to be an appropriate name for a vet bird. Something along the lines of the first kill breaking the egg shell, and the second kill actually killing the chick.
Sorry to hear you've been ill, Lauren, and I can forgive you for your inactivity, but Alise's inspection is enough for me. Feel better soon!
Hold up, hold up, hold up. This unhatched chickie has 2 night lives and is calling out lauren. I am the real vet and I doubt there are 2 vets. So, I'm sorry to say that you dun goof'd lauren.

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And how exactly am I lazy lauren.

This is exactly what I thought your role was, hence me asking for your opinion on the previous page. :)

So, vote Lauren my loves? :)

Lauren was chased into a cave. It was so dark in the cave, however, that no one could see. Lauren thought for sure that she could get away since none of the birds were trained to see well in the dark. She almost got away too, for the birds became distracted from the chirping screams of ShinySandwich who was suddenly struck dead by a falling rock.

Unfortunately, Lauren's luck didn't last very long. The other birds eventually chased her out of the cave into broad daylight. The bright light blinded Lauren and she fell to her death.

Lauren, the Bat, was lynched.

ShinySandwich, the Parakeet, was modkilled for inactivity.

Bat (Serial Killer)
During the last bird attack, you were able to survive with your home intact. However, you didn't have any fun doing that. You want to see some death brought by your own might. Every Night, you must PM the host with the name of the player you wish to kill. Not sending in a name of a player you want to kill will result in modkill. You win by being in the final two players remaining with anyone but the Ostrich.

Parakeet (Townie)
You were the very first bird role to be in a mafia game. The Ostrich doesn’t want you to have the satisfaction of being the longest bird mafia role, so he wants to kill you. If the Ostrich is ever supposed to die, you have the random chance of dying in his place. Other than that, all you can do is vote and talk in the thread.

It is now Night Three. You have 24 hours to send in your actions. Night ends if all actions get sent in early.
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I'm not the Ostrich. Remember I verified Shiny's post about dying randomly with it, but gave more detail about the role. Mine is the same as his.
Also I have a small announcement to make:

I'm not Raven (Psychic), I am Raven (Psychic). I've lied about my powers. I get told the first action submitted each night, not the actions done to me. I had hoped to catch the Ostrich in some way by bluffing but unfortunately that will not happen. I am also not told who is done it, merely the person on the receiving end of the actions. N1 I was told I was getting inked, so the gears in my head started turning and I came up with my fake claim. N2 Minties was getting protected, as we all know now Minties protected themselves. N3 I learned Lauren was getting inspected which has worked in our favor. :)
I'm not the Ostrich. Remember I verified Shiny's post about dying randomly with it, but gave more detail about the role. Mine is the same as his.

You are the remaining townie. Everyone else is blue or squid. Shiny died townie. You are the Ostrich.
You are the remaining townie. Everyone else is blue or squid. Shiny died townie. You are the Ostrich.

For claims? Clearly someone has lied then. This is mafia after all, and a closed setup. And what is Tina's role?
I'm not the Ostrich. Remember I verified Shiny's post about dying randomly with it, but gave more detail about the role. Mine is the same as his.

There's no doubt that you were a townie before Natty died, but out of 6 total townies, 5 have died, and that leaves only you. Go back and read Natty's role PM, and you'll see what we're talking about.
I'm not the Ostrich. Remember I verified Shiny's post about dying randomly with it, but gave more detail about the role. Mine is the same as his.

Honey, the first Ostritch is dead. A new one was appointed. You or Dolby are the only remaining players who can be the Ostritch. And I believe it's you because you verified the role.

Also I have a small announcement to make:

I'm not Raven (Psychic), I am Raven (Psychic)...

This was why I kept saying I didn't' believe you, but never elaborated. Did you notice the part I hid in my notes next to your name? It read, "possibly blue and just bluffing?" I had two theories about you: a blue player bluffing or a yellow player with a killing role.
Bat said:
You win by being in the final two players remaining with anyone but the Ostrich.

Also, this is probably pretty obvious and not worth adding, but I'm confident now that Lauren was the only anti-town party with a KP apart from the ostrich because otherwise her role PM would have specified her win condition was being in the final two players with anyone but the ostrich or another serial killer.

Kill the ostrich and town wins, pretty much!
This was why I kept saying I didn't' believe you, but never elaborated. Did you notice the part I hid in my notes next to your name? It read, "possibly blue and just bluffing?" I had two theories about you: a blue player bluffing or a yellow player with a killing role.

I knew you had it figured out honestly, really glad you did. :)