Artwork !ADVANCED PIXEL ART REQUESTS! You tell me, I make em!


'Welcome to the family'
Jul 4, 2013
[OPEN] !ADVANCED PIXEL ART REQUESTS! You tell me, I make em!

For now...

Requests & Commissions

Welcome one and all!
So you're wanting to make a request? Hell yeah! All you need to do is choose one of the following options below and then follow the steps which are below that. Have fun!

Town Flag Free
Everyone needs a town flag! It's the first thing a friend sees when entering your world god dammit! If you haven't got one then WUT ARE YOU DOING! Here's a variety of examples of town flags which I have done but don't worry! Your request can be anything you want!

Hatsune Miku (1x1) -
Evoker (1x1) -
Glaceon (1x1) -
Cowboy Singer Guy -
Corncob -
Lokomo Sword

Custom Signs Free
Best idea ever! I have tons of these scattered around my town with lots of different images of celebrities and characters which I adore, love, want to- I'm gonna stop there. Basically, any image for these will do. I prefer very detailed ones for my town but don't let that affect your choice! Here's some of them...

Hannibal (1x1) -

Face-cutout Standee 40,000-60,000 Bells
Who hasn't got one of these? They are awesome! This can turn you into any character you want for a moment of a second! BAM! Your Naruto. BAM! Your Link. BAM! Your Darth Vader. BAM! Your me! Well, if none of those ideas suit you then get thinking! (Didn't the last one seem tempting?) Well I'm happy to do whatever you want!

Princess Peach (Pro) -
Panda (Pro) -

Pixel-Art Image 10,000-200,000 Bells
YES! You sir have good taste but these things require a lot of hard work which is why the price is so high, or can be. If you're requesting this then please also state the size of the art you want! (example, 3x4 portrait or 6X2 Landscape) Also the price varies depending on the complexity of the image as of any of these options. Here are some examples below of different sizes and images...

Inspector Javert (3x4) -

EPIC PIXEL-ART IMAGE 200,000-400,000 Bells
Not to confuse you with the one above but for these ones I'm talking about... HUGE. You will need two characters or more to hold this size image but the outcome looks incredible! So if the size you want is more than 20 squares then this is what you're looking for. I have only one example to show and that's because these things take up to at leasta week to do!

Still uploading

Here's an idea of what I mean by complexity! Remember, the larger the image then the more detailed it can be!

What To Do Now
Chosen what you want? Follow these steps to ensure a clean and smexy pixel-art transition.

If you have chosen a free item then read the FREEBIES SALE section!

Step One.
Please post your request in a comment and tell me the type of pixel-art you want (flag, sign etc) and make sure to include an image! Oh and especially not forgetting your Friend-Code! Although I am a stalker, we need this for later in the process! I will then likely without doubt approve of your request as a withheld tear runs down my cheek from the incredible awesomeness of your request. Thankyou.

Step Two.
I will then reply back with a tear-drenched comment saying 'I APPROVE GOOD SIR!' and give you an estimate of when your request shall be completed. If you want a constant update of the process of your art, please tell me! You can register me as a friend (as anyone) early, come over my world, add each other as best friends and then we can communicate over the internet through our own worlds! Cool right?

Step Three.
Once the day has come of me completing your request, business shall be done. I shall reply to your comment again or send you a PM saying that your request is ready for transition with an image of your completed artwork! Now if you haven't already added me as a friend (pfft who hasn't?) Then please register me as a friend on your Nintendo 3DS! I have already added you! Coincidence? I think not. (My friend-code is 2852-7598-9892) YOU MUST DO THIS.

Step Four.
Please reply back to me and tell me which day you would like to come over to my town and pay off your debt! Oh, are you wondering what's up with the whole 'Tom Nook' attitude, hm? To stop you scallywags from running away with that long-waited art of yours, I really appreciate being given the money first! So come over, I don't bite. I might stand right behind you and follow your every turn but hey, it's worth it! Just hand over the bells and I'll back away... but that's not guaranteed.

Step Five.
Your debt has been paid, how'd ya feel? Oh right, you still want your art? Well no problem! I shall send you the QR Code(s) for your art in a PM or email them to you. You can trust me, I pinky promise! I double pinky promise! If I don't then you can spam this post with hate comments and invite all the trolls in! Ah, I shouldn't have suggested that. However I think the photo I sent you of your artwork should be some pretty good evidence that I have it all prepared and ready for you!

On a more serious note, if you are unhappy with your art (which is sad to hear) then you shall be free of debt and I shall put the artwork up for sale for others to buy. Hopefully it will never come to this!

What's Up For Sale (Just take em!)

Tony Stark Shirt -

Naruto Jumpsuit -

Freebies Sale
Okay so I've gone all soft on you lot and I am now doing town flags and 1x1 pixel art for free! You likey? I know you likey. However don't be thinking that I put no effort into these, I really do! I try my hardest to make them as awesome as possible and to the best of my ability because I feel so proud and happy when a person says they like it, love it, anything! So You tell me what you want done and I'll send you back a QR Code of that image! Easy peasy lemon squeezy!

(I also just wanted to add that I would love any forum bells as a tip since I have now become dedicated on buying everything from that shop! No pressure or anything... haha nah I don't mind but I would really appreciate it!)



Each image is designed and converted into a smaller pixel image using Photoshop. This means that when the image is shrunken, the pixels are not blurred and it will still remain as close to detail as the original. The image must then also be converted into 15 colours only. Photoshop is seriously accurate with this. For example, this 356 colour image is converted into a 15 colour image and yet still remains in top quality!



Customer Reviews
Hey there! I really appreciate any positive feedback about your request, so please feel free to leave a comment or PM me so I can show it off!

Glaceon "Just thought I'd put this here. I got a flag made, quick response and great work, highly recommend getting art from here."

Lolik "Awesome dude. I recommand HIM (and only HIM) for every PIXEL ART REQUESTS ! That's a amazing job ! You will no regret ! Do it people !"

Last edited:
No problem! This should be finished by today and in around 2 hours (wont take long)
I have had to trim your image a little to fit it as a square but it's looking good!

Thanks much!
I'll get back to you soon
No problem! This should be finished by today and in around 2 hours (wont take long)
I have had to trim your image a little to fit it as a square but it's looking good!

Thanks much!
I'll get back to you soon
That's fine, Thanks!
Just thought I'd put this here. I got a flag made, quick response and great work, highly recommend getting art from here.
Is like an "EPIC Pixel- Art" Image!

FC to the left!

View attachment 6261


Okay so... this is going to take a while lol XD

If we're talking about EPIC here then I'm gonna say 7x5 which is 35 squares (4 characters!)
or 6x4 squares which is 24 squares (under three characters)
Tell me which one you like!

Thanks much!
Here's roughly what it will look like...


Everythings a bit more red shaded, that okay? :3

- - - Post Merge - - -

Just thought I'd put this here. I got a flag made, quick response and great work, highly recommend getting art from here.

Thankyou again! :D I really appreciate it!

- - - Post Merge - - -

Can you make this into a flag please ? :
My Friend-Code is 1676 - 3728 - 1176 c:

Do you approve ? *big eyes*

My heart approves yet my mind is complaining that the link isn't working! :(
Send me another link of the image and I am most defiantly certain that I shall without doubt absolutely approve of your request!

Thanks! I can't wait :D
Woops.Strange (French links,huh huh :rolleyes: )
So,let's try THIS link :
If don't work,I don't understand '-'

It works perfectly! Okay I just wanted to check this with you...
Since a flag is only 32x32 pixels, I really have to zoom in for her to be recognisable
So here are the two options I am struggling with lol XD


I prefer the first one but I just wanted to check with you :D