Plans for 2018?


The Director
Dec 12, 2013
Kapp'n Christmas Doll
Winter Mittens
With 2017 coming to a close and a new year just about to begin, do you guys have any plans or goals for 2018?

For me, I'm hoping to become a bit more social and get out of my comfort zone. I wanna meet new people and go new places. 2017 was an emotional roller coaster for me, but right now I feel more confident and optimistic than I think I ever have been in my life and I want to put that to good use in 2018! :)
Probably try to speak less, work on my mental disorders, being less annoying, working on drawing & language skills, more exercising, eating healthier, a good schedule to follow daily, and to be way more optimistic about things lol
In August my life started to become a mess and I made things worse by making a lot of bad decisions in a short time... The only thing I really want right now to 2018 is to be able to stabilize myself emotionally and mentally because I have bad days that I can't get out of bed with all these problems happening... I need to basically feel good about myself. :(
To lose weight and start eating healthier. Hopefully get out more too.
gain confidence, stop being so shy, audition for school plays and other plays, gain weight

Knowing me I won't go through with any of these lol
Get out of the house more and stop being so anti-social. I also need to find another job and work on my health, both mental and physical. I want to overcome my mental illnesses and stop letting them control my life.
Do more things that I know I will thank myself for later, even if I don't want to do it right there and then. :eek:
Also be a better friend than I am now, I'm not really good at being the one making plans and asking to hang out.
I want to brush up on my Weeaboonese Japanese - especially finally learning Kanji, which I've successfully avoided for... like, five years, haha... orz. And I want to get better at animation with Maya, and rigging and weight-painting in general.
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Upskilling! I boosted my confidence last year to a point where I'm comfortable with myself and now that I've got a stable foundation I'm ready to expand upwards!!!

Bring it on 2018! I'm ready and looking towards 2019 already ^-^ (ain't got nothing on me!!!)
just to work on myself, mostly. i?m going to do things that improve my life and let go of everything and everyone that doesn?t help me anymore. i already have a few things in regards to school, internships, and traveling set up and i plan to do a bit more for my mental health next year.

i also want to study more efficiently so it doesn?t feel like a chore, but knowing me i?ll end up not doing anything next semester and struggle near finals.
- spend more time with my friends
- improve drawing
- study japanese and german more
I'm just really praying that 2018 will be better. For the last 2-3 years I've just taken my life for granted. But this injury on my knee, though not extremely severe, has already helped me break out of my unnecessary modesty and not be afraid to ask for things I really need/want. I'm hoping it also keeps me from losing sight of what's important, and helps me learn to over one obstacles regardless of limitations.
To be completely honest, these last couple days of being bed-ridden with a fractured femur and patella have actually been some of the best. Im praying for a good 2018, the year that I get my knee back to normal and go from being completely immobilized to riding my bike again. I need positivity now more than ever!!!
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I'm going to TAFE, which is basically a college. I'm also going to work on my fitness and my self-confidence. Not only that, but I'll try to go out more, lessen my anxiety, try to fix my negative psychotic symptoms, and to get more friends.
I’m dreaming to make 2018 a Gold year for me. This year, I’m going to a different school and on the transition day that I had, I made great friends. I’m hoping to have a fun time and have exciting days with them, unlike with my other old friends who I didn’t like. Sure, everybody has ups and downs, but still, I’m happy!

I spent the last year and a half in a group home for the mentally ill as part of an assisted living program. The staff at my house have decided that I am ready for the next phase of the program, which is living in an apartment with just one other roommate and staff on call. So I am going to spend the first 6 months of 2018 in an apartment in my hometown. After that I will move to another apartment in the next city over where my family lives in order to be closer to them. I also plan to read 50 books, get more work done on my novel, blog more, and go back to school for my GED.
work on more programming projects and brush up my Chinese and being more social with clubs and stuff. also get into a college lol