Any snow for you guys?


Senior Member
Dec 8, 2017
Red Cosmos
Yellow Cosmos
Pear (Fruit)
Orange (Fruit)
Tasty Cake
For me anyway, its completely white down here in the depths of the Northern Irish countryside. The roads are dangerous to drive on, and the busses just straight up don't even try. It's pretty awesome!

How about you guys?
It snows here.

It snowed like 3feet last year.

I want more snow cause we only have 1-2 inches right now, not enough to have fun in. or open ski resorts
yup, just started snowing this morning. Fingers crossed that it snows tomorrow as well so it can hopefully get up to 3 ft and I won't have school on Monday :)
The most fun to have in the snow, is sleighing down a steep hill, on your stomach, on a coal bag, at breakneck speeds, and going so fast that you somehow spin out and roll into a big ball of snow, and into a frozen pond at the foot of the hill. It has happened. And its awesome!
;~; I want snow! I live in Oklahoma and it’s been near the 30 degrees (10 degrees in the mornings/nights) yet no snow ;o; my husband promised snow lol..
Wow timing.
It snowed for like, the third time I know of yesterday.
I only just got to play in the snow with others for the first time in my life.

It seems to come around once a decade here.
it snowed a little yesterday, it was all gone by the night though
Looks like I'll be receiving 10 to 15 cm between now and Sunday afternoon. Scratch that, I might also get another one two days after the last.

And I hate it! Whoever says this is a blessing either never lived to Canada longer than a year or is too young to experience winter frustrations.
Nope, hardly ever snows down here. I swear the last time I saw snow was like 5 ****ing years ago
We only had snow one day in recent memory and it was last month. It didn't stick to the ground though. There is some snow expected in the week ahead but it isn't very much. I'm somewhat hoping for more in the time between now and Christmas, but I'm not expecting it and it wouldn't be all too bad if we didn't get much snow since it saves us from having to deal with ice.
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not yet :L all i got so far was flurries and that was only because it was freezing cold

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Looks like I'll be receiving 10 to 15 cm between now and Sunday afternoon. Scratch that, I might also get another one two days after the last.

And I hate it! Whoever says this is a blessing either never lived to Canada longer than a year or is too young to experience winter frustrations.

i'm in canada and still nothing rip
Yeah, we got about 2-3 inches today.

I tried to ride my bike in it, but I tried to cross an icy road and my front tire slipped and I fell off in the middle of the road...
So I'm not very happy about that, but eh it looks pretty. Hope it melts soon...
Nope :( I live in Texas, and it barely snows here. It snows maybe once every couple of years here, but never lasts for more than a day if even that. Seeing as how it's supposed to be in the 60s-70s (about 15-21 C) this week it is unlikely that it will snow any time soon. Last year it was 80+ F (26 C) on Christmas day, so it will probably be the same case this year.

I wish I lived somewhere that snowed more. I think the snow is so pretty, but we rarely get any.
not yet. it's been pretty warm, which is pretty strange for the area that i live in. it makes it hard to believe that it's december already.
It used to snow where I live, but it seems our climate has shifted because now we don't get much at all anymore.

It's very frustrating. Feels like all opportunities for snow are gone after December because the real cold fronts only really come through during December anymore. And guess what? According to the forecast for the rest of the month, we've already experienced that cold front and it will be warm for the rest of the month. -_- Geez, it's even worse than last year where it at least stayed chilly until a few days before Christmas. This year, the cold is gone after tonight.