what are you avoiding/procrastinating right now?

History Homework, though tomorrow's Sunday soo... :rolleyes:
Right now I'm avoiding doing my Canadian smocking, and taking part in the overwatch Christmas event. I mean there's no real excuse for the first one, but with the overwatch event, the time spent playing it is just not rewarding enough for how many loot boxes you get sometimes and even then you're not guaranteed to get something good. So it's pretty draining.
procrastinating on my English test, where I have to write a myth using 20 vocabulary words that's due tomorrow :p

I already started it last week but I'll finish it tonight, sigh
Studying for my math final. I have an 88 in the class and I'm just aiming for a B since I think its unlikely I'll get a grade high enough to boost it up to an A and to get a B I only need to get ~50%.. would still be a good idea to study though..
I should be revising a Shakespeare essay, writing another essay and studying for my final that's on Tuesday but.... I'd rather play ACNL :cool:
english project that is due period 1 tomorrow rip
guess ill be doing it on the train