Net Neutrality General Discussion Thread - "Battle for the Net" Edition


Sep 11, 2013
Gold Trophy (First Place)
Bronze Trophy (Third Place)

Hello and welcome to the net neutrality general discussion thread, a thread to encourage users here to do their part in protecting the Internet and protecting its freedom. Soon, accessing sites like The Bell Tree Forums could cost you more than it already does you to access the Internet, and parts of the Internet could be filtered out completely.

So, what is net neutrality, exactly?

Here is a handy explanation from Battle for the Net:

Net neutrality is the principle that Internet providers like Comcast & Verizon should not control what we see and do online. In 2015, start-ups, Internet freedom groups, and 3.7 million commenters won strong net neutrality rules from the US Federal Communication Commission (FCC). The rules prohibit Internet providers from blocking, throttling, and paid prioritization—"fast lanes" for sites that pay, and slow lanes for everyone else.

Nearly everyone who understands and depends on the Internet supports net neutrality, whether they're startup founders, activists, gamers, politicians, investors, comedians, YouTube stars, or typical Internet users who just want their Internet to work as advertised—regardless of their political party.

Okay, but what can I do to help?

Here is a fantastic list of the ways people are helping to protect net neutrality. Additionally, you can find more information about net neutrality (and add a pop-up alert to your site, if you have one) here.

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For all intents and purposes, Net Neutrality has been dead since the day Ajit Pai was made chairman of the FCC. Now we're just waiting for the funeral and burial on December 14th. People can try calling or writing to their representatives, but many of those representatives are paid off by the Internet Service Providers who want to kill Net Neutrality. Additionally, the FCC did have a comment section earlier this year where people could argue to keep Net Neutrality but it was flooded with bot posts in support of the planned repeal instead of keeping the Internet free. They don't care and the people who have all the power to kill Net Neutrality are going to do so regardless of what ordinary people think.

Probably the only chance to save it would be bipartisan regulations to ensure certain aspects of Net Neutrality remain in place. Good luck with that, especially in the small amount of time between now and December 14th.

It's a battle we won't win in the U.S., and that will probably affect people outside of the U.S. as well because of how many sites are based here. If you live outside of the U.S., keep vigilant and do your best to not allow Net Neutrality die in your country too.
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So does this affect America only?
It will primarily affect the United States, but it likely won't only affect the United States. It depends on which sites you use and whether they are based in the United States or not. If they are based here, you might see the sites changing or dying if they cannot compete in the new Internet marketplace or pay off the telecommunications companies who can throttle or block their content.

Other countries have their own Net Neutrality rules, and if and when Net Neutrality dies in the United States then you can expect other greedy politicians in other countries to try to pull the same thing.
This is honestly extremely sad that it's gotten this far.

Honestly, if this passes, I wouldn't be surprised if enough people are enraged who aren't aware of the issue yet that it ends up becoming an Amendment to keep net neutrality (would be brutal while we wait for **** to pass but I think it's feasible maybe in a few years?). At least that's my hope and I'm an optimistic person so take that with a grain of salt. It doesn't hurt to call and try to sway people though imo.
If Net Neutrality gets killed I feel this would become a situation like when Alcohol was prohibited.

I really hope Congress won't allow this to happen. :/
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ZombifiedHorror is correct in that we're fighting a losing battle because even if we somehow prevent it now (unlikely), it'll happen later regardless. It is delaying the inevitable.

I don't want that. I think it's is a horrible idea and it's to milk us for every dime we have. There is no good side to it. The Internet should be considered a utility and a right to citizens. But I've done all that I can: spread it around on FB, called Congress, faxed Congress, etc., and I hope that we can delay it even if for a short while. But ultimately we're going to see it repealed no matter how much we oppose it.

Pai flat out said he didn't care for the 5+ million comments on the FCC website saying that most Americans strongly oppose repealing it. The man is a Verizon crook who paid off anyone capable of voting no. He's blasting his Twitter with pro-repeal nonsense -- how "it'll help small businesses". Because, you know, every other rich buffoon in this country has helped the rest of us out SO MUCH and hasn't just pulled strings to make themselves more money.

Unfortunately, it would seem that the rest of the country just doesn't care about issues that don't affect them right now. So until it does become their problem, they won't want to do anything about it. And by then it'll be too late. He's intentionally releasing it in this way so that we can't implement it again in the future. He doesn't want it coming back after he's gone.

It's criminal. We shouldn't have to fight for our right to have this. And we're probably going to lose it. It's depressing. I'll keep fighting to keep it, but it's depressing. :(
This is just awful. All I hope is that I’m able to access my flipping school stuff without having to pay premium to do so. I can’t afford that. None of us can.
Wait wait...sorry I didn't watch the video with the volume (don't have my earbuds rn)

So America is gonna have to pay for everything they do on the internet? God that's horrible. I am so sorry :( I read the YouTube comments and saw it's only affecting the US, so I'm glad I won't be affected....
It’ll basically put us in the dark is what they’re really trying to do to us. With this, they control what we can and can’t see. It’s a way to control us like sheep and milk us for the money we don’t have. Some of us rely on the internet for our livelihood. And well now....
It’ll basically put us in the dark is what they’re really trying to do to us. With this, they control what we can and can’t see. It’s a way to control us like sheep and milk us for the money we don’t have. Some of us rely on the internet for our livelihood. And well now....

I don't know why more and more rights just have to go....I'm really sorry....maybe the protests will help but probably not......Trump gets away with everything so.....I don't really know what to say :(
this is legitimately terrifying at the possibilities that could pan out as a result of this
I've heard about this a couple months ago and I don't really understand can someone explain this without using big words lol

So if I'm correct, Internet providers will start making us pay to use Internet or they will control what we can and can't see?
I hate to sound like a Negative Nancy, but I'm so hopeless about all of this.

There are countless articles out saying that the FFC doesn't care about public opinion at all. Yes, we need one more member to vote no to win, but that also means we only need one yes vote to lose.

As someone who uses the internet for schooling, it will become incredibly difficult to study and get my degree and a job in my field.

I truly don't understand how people cam sit down and think "Hey, let's kill Net Neutrality, that is a good idea."

Again, I'm seeing this is a glass half empty light, but I hope that I'm wrong and that everything will be okay.
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If net neutrality is killed.. and there's a " fourm pack " with TBT included....
Wow what is this bs I hear about... How could anyone of their sane mind support that. On the other hand it's the US so I'm not surprised at all. I just hope it goes down together with those SOPA and PIPA bull****
i'm disgusted.
i can't believe it's 2017 and we're just taking even more and more steps backwards towards eliminating basic human rights, such as the right to free speech, and reverting back to the unjust ways of decades past. i'm not even living in the usa, but if this ends up happening, it'll certainly affect a lot more than just americans and their access to the internet :(